"We didn't even know that his mom had had cancer until those two got in that fight. She kept his secret even after the prom thing." Trey said.

"She kept more secrets than just his mom's cancer. Even in high school when he mostly pretended she didn't exist, he'd show up on her doorstep every time something went wrong or he needed something for school. I doubt he wrote a single paper the whole four years. Dylan took and took from her and gave her a damn birthday present each year like that evened everything out." Andrea seethed, "And they weren't even good presents. A candle or a $25 Starbucks gift card. He regifted her a scarf that someone had given his mom once. Idiot left the original gift tag in the box."

"Jesus. I don't get it. It's so hard to imagine him doing that type of shit because he's not like that to anyone else period. He has always been the nicest one in our group. I don't get why he treated Arden that way." Trey said.

"Because he thought she was beneath him. I guess in both of their defenses Arden swears that he wasn't always like that. He didn't turn into an ass until high school." Andrea said.

"I just don't get it." I mumbled as shoved a hand through my hair.

"It's not hard to understand. Besides y'all are all jumping to Arden's defense now. Now that you all think she's hot. Now that she is 'someone important.'" Andrea said throwing air quotes around the last two words, "But not one of you ever even spoke to her in high school. Much less cared about how Dylan or Holly and her bitchy friends treated Arden. None of y'all would have tried to be her friend if Matt and I hadn't started dating. I love you guys, but this is some serious pot/kettle stuff. Dylan was an asshole, but y'all were assholes for standing by and watching it."

Trey opened his mouth probably to refute the claim, but closed it without saying a word. What could any of us say? Andrea was right and I felt like shit. Matt wore a guilty expression telling me that he knew it too. A heavy silence fell over the room before Andrea broke it.

"Look, it's late and I'm tired. I'm headed to bed. I'll see y'all later." She said as she stood and made her way towards her bedroom.

"She's right you know." Matt grumbled.

"Yeah. I know. We weren't any better than Dylan." I said with a heavy sigh.

"Fuck that!" Trey declared hopping up off of the couch, "Yeah we ignored her in high school, but we were kids. Dumb kids. I didn't even know what all was going on. We only had Dylan's side and he was our friend, so obviously we took his word. I regret that choice but we can't change the past. We're here for Arden now and that's what matters."

"But would we be here for either of them if they didn't look like they do?" Matt questioned.

"I can't speak for you two, but if Arden woke up looking like a toad tomorrow, I'd still be here." Trey grit out.

"I know we would be now. That wasn't what Matt meant." I said calmly.

"I know what he meant. I can't speak for the past though. Only the future." Trey grit out.

"Calm down dude. I was just saying. Let's head out. I don't think either of them want a sleeping buddy tonight." Matt said as he stood and gathered his things.

Trey and I followed him out. He and I had rode together tonight, so we both got into my car and headed home.

The Next Day
Arden's POV

"To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you today?" Liam asked as I walked into his and Trey's office.

"I thought I would come fill out some paperwork and join your gym." I said as I perched on Liam's desk.

"Uh huh." He mumbled as he trailed a hand up my bare thigh, "And why would someone who owns a quarter of the company need to join? You can come and go anytime you'd like."

"I only own my piece until you two buy me out. Honestly I don't know why y'all haven't yet. I helped file your taxes, so I know for a fact that y'all can afford to." I replied as a shiver shot through me from the circles he was tracing on my skin.

"Do you need money?" Trey asked shooting me a worried look.

"No. I was just saying." I replied.

"We already told you and Andrea that we didn't plan to buy y'all out. We couldn't have bought this place without your help, so the way we figure it we could never really afford to pay you both back what we really owe you. We'd rather just keep sending you both checks each month for your part of the profits. Unless you decide you want to sell. Then we'd buy it back to keep someone else from owning a piece." Liam said.

"Either way I want to pay for my membership." I said.

"Not going to happen beautiful, but here's a fob for you and one for Andrea. Come by anytime." Trey said as he handed me the pieces of plastic and placed a kiss on my shoulder before returning to his desk.

"You two are impossible." I grumbled.

"You love us anyway." Liam replied as he stood and moved in between my legs.

"Someone could walk in." I hissed.

"Not likely, but I can lock the door if it would make you fell better." Trey quipped.

"It's been too long. I want you." Liam mumbled as he trailed kisses along my neck.

I couldn't help the moan that involuntarily escaped my lips as Trey joined him, kissing down the other side of my neck. An hour later I was redressed and laying down on the couch as I watched the both of them pull their own clothes back on.

"When are you going to let us make this official?" Trey asked as he plopped down on the couch and pulled my feet into his lap.

"I don't know. Aren't you in the least bit concerned about the fall out? People will talk when they find out that I'm with the both of you. What if it messes with your business?" I argued.

"We've had this conversation a dozen times already Ards. We don't care what people say. Also, we're the only gym in town. We aren't going to go out of business. Worst case scenario the school fires Trey and the nursing home says that I can't continue to provide free classes. Key word being free. I don't get paid for that. We just use it as a tax write off for the business. I highly doubt that your job will be affected either. You're clients aren't exactly going to come from our town. I guarantee that all of your clients will be referrals from Mr. Winston. You're his newest acquisition, and he's going to want to carefully curate your clientele. He's going to protect you if for no other reason than to protect his own interest. Though that won't be the only reason. You're like a second daughter to the man." Liam countered.

"What if-" I started but was cut off by Trey.

"We arent going to get tired of sharing you. We've been sharing you for the last 2 years and aren't tired yet. We both love you and we're in this for the long haul. We want you. We want this." Trey replied shooting me a pleading look.

Sighing deeply, I relented, "Okay."

"Okay?" Liam echoed.

"Okay." I repeated with a huge smile.

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