The Second Earth and Bo

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Many years ago back in the 40's another planet was discovered to have oxygen and gravity and mimic earth in many ways except it had no humans. So what did we do with this knowledge? We took it over.... typical right? Tore down half the land killing millions of alien species.

Soon the richest of the rich started to visit there and such while some lived there as employees to the richest man on both Earths. Then after a while others wanted to live there too and soon it started a new different Earth.

Now with Earth 1 ending people were moving there as fast as they could even if that meant not having a house for a while. To them it was better than death, I can't say I blame them.

Linda and Willow are trying to buy tickets to travel up there for a "vacation" now but they are just too expensive. They still haven't said anything about the end of the world to me yet. They have no idea I know.

One of my neighbors got tickets and they are leaving tomorrow. I don't know when I'll see them again. They have a 14 year old kid that I hang out with a lot named Bo Bellandi. They are a really big Italian family with aunts and uncles cousins and grandparents. They are always really fun to be around and they make the best food.

Bo has the funnest little accent that I try to imitate all the time but fail miserably. He's the closest thing I have to a brother so I love him. He stands up for me to bullies and is always there for me. I'm going to really miss him. I hope the world doesn't end because I want to be able to see him again.

Bo always had his medium length dark black hair slicked back with enough gel for a whole family. His eyes were green with an inner blue look to them and the longest (real) lashes I had ever seen on a man. It was beautiful. Hundreds of perfectly aligned freckles danced across his face. He had the jaw line of a model even at only 14.

Yes, I do have a slight crush on him because of his great personality and smile and overall everything. But that doesn't change the fact that he's 2 years older and only sees me like one of his kid sisters. He has 4 younger sisters and three older brothers ages 3-19.

       Today is the last day we get to be together as far as we know so we decided to make the best out of it. First we went into the pool house in my backyard to play our favorite video games. Then we jumped into the pool and swam for hours and ate pizza and ice cream and popcorn. Then we played our favorite game, truth or dare.

      "Truth or dare Bo?" I asked.


      "You always pick that! Whatever. Hmmm.....Do you think this'll be the end?"

       "Truthfully I have no idea. But I hope not. I don't want to go more than two weeks without seeing you again."

        I blushed at his answer but laughed kit off so he couldn't tell. "My turn!"

       "Truth or dare?"


        "Why did I even ask? I should've known. Huh. How about I dare you to jump off the diving board. NAKED!!"

       "WHAT!" I shouted! "You're crazy!"

       "You gotta do it Al."

       "Yeah yeah yeah I know. Doesn't make you any less crazy though!" I laughed.

       I turned off all the back yard lights and stripped down. The only lights remaining were the lights from the pool. I mounted myself onto the diving board and dived in. Bo shouted and clapped congratulating me.

      "Ha ha! Yeah yeah yeah very funny I know" I said sarcastically.

      I got out the pool and grabbed my towel. I went to grab my clothes when I noticed...THEY WERE GONE! I shot a death glance at Bo and he just laughed and pointed at the pool. He threw my clothes in.

      I went upstairs and just dressed in PJs and when I came back Bo was trying to get my clothes out the pool with the net. I took this as my opportunity and pushed him in. I laughed then reached my arm out to help him out. He pulled me back in.

      "You jerk!" I shouted. "Now I have to change again!"

      "Doesn't matter anyway haven't you heard? The world is ending"

       "That's right then, I guess nothing matters does it?


        We laughed then looked into each other's eyes and our laughter faded into slight smirks. He pushed the hair from my face and got closer. He kissed my lips and said "I've been wanting to do that for a year and a half. Leave it up to me to wait until our appending doom to do something about it." Suddenly I heard a cough come from behind us.

        "Alright guys it nearly midnight, it's time for Bo to walk home." Linda said gently. She looked sad. I wonder how much she had heard.

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