"Which makes Sophia two, with another one on the way. And you and Sarah are still not married?" He teases.

"She's stubborn."

He chuckles. "Believe me, I know."

"I'm glad we decided to wait, though. I'm almos three years sober, and my dad's two."

Standing up, he gives JJ a kiss on the forehead, and then walks to the master bedroom.

Sarah's fast asleep on the bed, stretched out like a starfish. James looks down at her, with the same intensity and look of love he did when he was alive.

"You look at her like this, too." He says reading my mind. "Even when I was alive, I knew you cared for her with as much as you could at the time." He moves the blonde hair out of her face, then caresses her cheek with his thumb. "I knew you would take care of her. I had no doubt you two would lean on each other and make both of you better in the process." Another tear falls down his cheek. "Like I said, I was there every step of the way."

He kisses her on the nose, just like he always did. Then, walking up to me, he pulls me in a big bear hug.

I match his strength and hold on as long as he'll let me.

"I never blamed you." He says as he pulls away. "It was my time to go. And I had a great life, I left with no regrets."

"It sounds like you're saying goodbye."

"Not really." He shrugs. "I'm always here, so it's not goodbye. Plus you'll see me again."

I can't stop crying. Damn tears.

"Does this mean you watch me sleep, too?" I joke, trying to lighten up the mood.

A big laugh escapes his chest. "I can't help it, you're just so cute." He teases back.

"I miss you."

A loud ringing sounds around me.

"I know, buddy. But I'm always here." He turns and begins to walk away.

The ringing becomes louder.

"Where are you going?" I yell through the noise.

"Nowhere." He yells back. "But you are. It's time."

What is he talking about?!

He keeps getting farther and father away. "Time for what?" I yell louder.

A huge grin spreads across his face and shouts back. "You're wedding."

I gasp, shooting up out of bed, and search around my childhood room.

What am I doing here?

"David?" My dad knocks on the door. "Are you up?"

I rub the sleep from my eyes. "Yeah. I just had the weirdest dream."

He opens the door and gives me a tense smile. Our relationship is better, it's just weird sleeping at the house I grew up in.

Sarah insisted, she didn't want to stay together the night before our wedding. Like that would change anything.

"Time to get ready, son."


I slept like a rock last night

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I slept like a rock last night. Except I had such a weird dream, I was laying in bed sleeping and I woke up for a second and saw the two men I love, David and James, watching over me.

Probably pregnancy dreams. My hormones are all over the place. Which is great for the day of my wedding. Not. I've been a blubbering mess all morning.

I'm only ten weeks. Close family knows, but that's it. When I told Sam, she asked it was it planned? I laughed, because are any of my pregnancies truly planned? Not really.

"Are you ready?" Mom asks breaking me from my thoughts.

Looking in the mirror one more time, I make sure everything is in place. My hair's down, loose curls flow freely. The ivory colored A-line dress with a plunging neckline, fits my figure perfectly.

"You look beautiful, sweetie." Mom comes up behind me and rubs my arms up and down.

Leaning into her embrace, I smile at her in the mirror. "Are the kids ready?"

She nods. "JJ is fulfilling his best man duties, trying to keep everyone in line." She chuckles. "Sam is with Sophia getting ready to walk down together. Everything is ready. Time to go."

Mom is walking me down the aisle, Sophia is the flower girl, Sam is my matron of honor, and JJ is David's best man.

Mom links her arms in mine, leading me down the stairs and to the door of the deck. Taking a deep breath, I nod one more time before stepping out on the deck.

Looking over the edge, I'm met with a full back yard, each chair filled, and a charming man standing in the front of the gazebo. The same place he asked me to marry him almost two years prior.

Mom leads me off the deck and behind the last row of chairs.

Sam holds Sophia's hand as they walk down the aisle. When they make it to the gazebo, JJ gives his sister a hug and kiss on the cheek. Sophia pushes him away and runs to David's dad. She's got him wrapped around her finger. The whole crowd laughs, and David looks to me, meeting my gaze.

His smile quickly disappears, mouth falling open, and his breathing picks up. His gaze is so intense, part of me wants to look away but I know I'm looking at him the same way.

My mom walks with me toward him, even though I feel as if I'm floating.

When we meet, he grabs my hand, pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead.

"You look beautiful."

"You don't look so bad yourself." I smile.

"Are you ready to make this thing official?" He teases. "You're going to be stuck with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." We walk together hand in hand, prepared to handle whatever comes our way.

The end.

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