Chapter 11

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Ok so I am soooooo sorry for not updating for like 2 or 3 months I don't know and dude some people actually are actually liking this shit like I can't thank you enough my love
Sasuke pov: Dam what was I thinking hinata, she is a blushing mess right now and no I just had to have the worst luck in history didn't I when we were just starting to have some fun the music stopped and father with a very proud smile and a hand around itachi's shoulder

Fugaku: today as my son itachi turned 15 I would like to declare him as the next uchiha king (sorry if that sounds wired) so if anything happens to me our kingdom would have a king 

Itachi: father please don't say things like that

Fugaku laughing: what u be coming the king

Itachi: no something happening to you

And then after that nisan cut the cake

Naruto while giving his gift: itachi-ni I am so happy for you

Itachi: thank you naruto

Sasuke: well looks like I have to call u crown Prince itachi nisama form now on don't I

Itachi: oh come on now sasuke

Hinata: itachi-nisan I h-hope u l-l-like my g-gift

Itachi: thank you so much hinata I love your vase

Sasuke pov: of course he like's it and if he had not I would had made him like it

Time skip

Minako: what u are leaving right now but u just came at lest stay for the night 

Hinata mom: trust me I don't want to leave but we have to for hina

Hiashi: and please handle your husband 

Minako: ok but only doing this for hinata's health, ok bye take care love

Hinata: thank y-you a-aunt

And after some the harunos and the uzumakis left as well

Thank you for reading

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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