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Itachi pov

I just woke up did my normal routine and then go to wake up sasuke when I got there he hugged me well that was a surprise and then I told him to go and get ready for the day.

Sasuke pov

Sasuke go and get ready I will be waiting for you outside Itachi told me, yes ok I said and then he left and god did I just noticed this room was so dam big well because everything happened so fast but like seriously the room is almost like a castle but then i relies that Itachi was waiting for me outside and got ready and then Itachi started walking to the diening room to but I noticed that Itachi was so old-fashioned cloths well wereing the same but still and god the hallway was huge and then it hit me like a train firstly I have such a big room Secondly Itachi and I are wereing such good cloths and crown's and thirdly we are in a castle does that mean I am a Prince no way.

😍💞💖💗What do u think is going to happen next please share your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for reading ☺️💕️😊💓

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