"she must have, i don't know" Bonnie said talking about her gram's again "sent me somewhere, and when i held Rain's hand and you were holding her's, it must have took you with me"

"well, did she happen to whisper a safe word in her last breaths? a clue, maybe?" Damon said as he started to get frustrated "a witchy path out of here?" Damon asked and Bonnie stood up as did Rain but rain just sat back down next to Damon

"no, but if we got here by magic, magic should be able to get us out" Bonnie said and an idea popped into Rain's head

"well you were a witch before you became the anchor right? so wont you be a witch?" Rain asked and Bonnie nodded thinking the same thing

Bonnie looked over to the candle that was on the little table and started at it intensely "Phasmatos Incendia" they all watched hoping that the candle would lit up with a flame but nothing happened and the hope drained from them

"still cant do magic" Damon said disappointed "perfect" he said sarcastically

Damon and Rain were all in the Salvatore's kitchen. Music was blasting and Damon and Rain was dancing while he was making terribly burnt pancakes, and Rain took a swig of bourbon and then Damon snatched it off her in the middle of drinking it so she spit some of it on her "hey" she said as he took a big gulp of it

Then a voice cleared their throat and Damon and Rain stopped dancing and turned to her "i didn't know you cooked" Bonnie said to Damon

"i don't" he replied "but miss cranky pants here, wouldn't shut up about how hungry she was" he said while flipping over another burnt pancake and Rain grumbled something that neither of them could here "how'd you sleep? me, not good my 1994 mattress was very lumpy" he said not letting her answer "what'd you got there?" he asked finally noticing the bear and book in her hands

"wait is that-?" Rain said not finishing her sentence and Bonnie nodded with a big smile on her face

"miss cuddles. i lost her when i was 9 but i went into my house last night and there she was" she said with a bright smile and then reached into her bag "i also found this at my grams house" she said holding a book up "her old grimoire"

"yeah, well i found this i drank it last year when Ric died" Damon said completely uninterested in what Bonnie said

"what's a grimoire?" Rain said taking a slightly not burnt pancake and eating it

"its a witches cook book basically ahs all the spell a witch had done" Damon said changing the song on the radio and Rain hummed

"so we're in this snapshot of another time or something, everything that existed in 1994 still exists" Bonnie explained and Damon held up a disc

"for better or for worse" he said kissing the disc and then turning it on which happened to be Spin Doctors but then Bonnie barged past Damon and turned it off

"listen, there was a time when i couldn't practice magic. This grimoire taught me a lot Maybe i can reteach myself" Bonnie said with a determined voice but Damon being Damon turned the music back on and said

"if your still a witch, which, with our luck and your skill, probably ain't the case" he said walking past her to go making the pancakes again

and Bonnie did a small scoff "would a little support kill you?" Bonnie said

"you can do it Bon Bon" Rain said with a smile and Bonnie smiled back at her

"i am acutely aware that we are in some otherworldly time dimension However, did you ever think for one second that maybe it's you that could be negative reacting to my natural self negatively? hmm?" Damon said pointing the pancake silver ware at Bonnie

"your ridiculous" Bonnie said annoyed

"nope, I'm consistent" Damon said putting nice cooked pancakes on a plate "now, eat your pancakes, oh and you can do a crossword puzzle" he said also handing her the newspaper

"oh, gee thanks. Breakfast with my least favourite person and a crossword puzzle from 1994" Bonnie said annoyed "oh well there is also Rain which is a-" Bonnie said as she was looking to where Rain was standing last but isn't there now "where?"

"i don't know" Damon said and was about to say something else until, like before another dark shadow loomed over them "You've gotta be kidding me" Damon said looking up at the eclipse "Bonnie,look at the date on that paper" Damon said and she did so

"it says May 10th, 1994, same day as yesterday" she said and both Damon and Bonnie held an uneasy look "we're living the same day all over again"

"well, that prove sit we're in hell, my own personal custom-built hell and your in it with me" Damon said with a denial look grabbing the bottle of bourbon "bottoms up"

Rain sighed sadly as she drove past the

Leaving Mystic Falls

sign she didn't want to leave Bonnie or Damon but she felt left out there like they couldn't talk to her about the supernatural stuff, yes, she had just learnt about it but that doesn't mean that they should keep ignoring he about it

it's what they used to always do when she didn't know about it they would just up and leave without telling her why and Rain, being Rain always said it was fine but now she just wanted sometime to herself

"bye D, bye Bon Bon" she whispered to her self as a stray tear slid down her eye

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