The Truth Hurts

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Nat stood outside Y/N's apartment building, they had spoken briefly this morning over text messages and Nat had finally convinced Y/N to meet up with her. It had been clear from Y/N's texts that she wasn't happy with Nat and the others but Nat had insisted that it was important that they talked. 

A motorbike came speeding down the road and screeched to a stop where Nat was standing. Y/N climbed off the bike, tucking her helmet under her arm, her face was unreadable as she gestured for Nat to follow her inside. 

They climbed the stairs in silence, Nat could tell that Y/N was clearly still pissed off about what had happened at the club last night. So she kept quiet, letting Y/N have a little more time to process things as they walked into the apartment. 

"Do you want something to drink?" Y/N asked, finally breaking the awkward silence between them. 

"Just some water please" Nat replied as she stepped round Y/N and took a seat at the table, watching as Y/N filled up two glasses with water. 

Y/N had been reluctant to leave Sharon this morning, they'd woken up in bed together and in that moment they had been in a bubble where the events of the day before had been forgotten. The Nat had text her and Y/N hadn't been able to ignore it, Sharon had even told her that she should go and hear what Nat had to say. 

Y/N tried to argue that she was suppose to be escorting Sharon to an important meeting today, so the conversation with Nat could wait, but Sharon had told her that she had enough other guards coming with her. So out of excuses, Y/N had agreed to meet Nat back at her apartment. 

"Where are Daisy and Yelena?" Y/N asked as she came to sit down at the table with Nat, handing her the glass of water. 

"I left them in a diner, eating through their hangovers" Nat said with a slight laugh as she remembered the state of Yelena and Daisy when they had stumbled down to the hotel foyer this morning. 

Y/N wasn't surprised to hear that the pair of them were hungover this morning, they'd certainly treated it like a challenge to drink as much alcohol as they could at the club last night. 

"So are you going to finally tell me why you really came here?" Y/N asked, leaning back in the chair and looking across at Nat. 

Nat took a sip of the water, giving herself a moment longer to figure out the best way to word what she needed to say to Y/N. 

"I'm sure you've probably figured out part of the reason why we came to find you. It's Wanda, she's in some kind of trouble Y/N and I think she needs you" Nat started to explain. 

"Wanda and trouble often come together, what does it have to do with me? She didn't need me when she wanted space and she never came looking for me after she pushed me away, why would she need me now?" Y/N asked bluntly, she tried to keep her face neutral as she spoke and ignore the flutter of panic her heart felt. 

"Look I know that what Wanda did hurt you and I can't begin to understand how hard it was for you to go through that. But something is wrong and none of us can reach her. She went up to the cabin and then the next thing we knew this magic portal appeared and none of us can get within a foot of it without getting sent flying across the cabin. Wanda is shutting everyone out and there has only ever been one person who could reach her and that's you" Nat carried on talking, holding her hand up to stop Y/N from interrupting.

"We both know that Wanda is powerful but we also know she can be self destructive and with the power she has now that could be devastating" Nat added, the concern clear on her face. 

Y/N frowned deeply as she listened to what Nat was saying, during her last conversation with Wanda, she had said something about there being a darkness inside her. As darkness that she had said had been caused when she cast that spell to banish Agatha to save Y/N's life. 

"Surely Stephen Strange can sort this out" Y/N said, trying still to convince herself that this shouldn't be her problem to fix. 

"He's tried to but Wanda's magic is complex and stronger than he ever predicted it would become" Nat replied, trying not to get frustrated with Y/N's seemingly uncaring response to what she was telling her. 

"Well I don't have any magic so why would I be able to get through this portal that she's made?" Y/N asked as she stood up and began to pace up and down, trying to keep her emotions in check. 

"You are the love of her life! Damn it Y/N! You two were epic, the great love story kind of epic and that girls heart beats for you! And right now I know that she needs you to save her. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that your heart doesn't belong to Wanda anymore?" Nat raised her voice, finally losing her patience with Y/N's attitude.

Y/N stopped pacing taken aback by Nat's anger with her. She clenched her jaw, suddenly the ring inside her jacket pocket felt heavier against her heart. Everyday she had told herself it was okay to let go and to move on, that she could have a happy life without Wanda in it. 

"Come on Y/N just stop lying to yourself, I know the truth will hurt but whatever it is you think you have with Sharon, it will never be the same and you know it" Nat walked around the table and came to stand in front of Y/N. 

Y/N felt every emotion raging inside of her, the truth did hurt and Y/N had spent a long time running away from it. Now it was unavoidable, now she was stood there with a choice and she didn't know how to make it. 

"Wanda made a choice, she blamed me for what happened that day, for having to give up a part of herself to cast that spell. I told her when she was ready that I would be waiting, she never came Nat. I wanted more than anything for her to find me but the months went by and it became clear that I wasn't what she wanted anymore. So don't come here and judge me for moving on with my life and lecture me on how I feel about Sharon" Y/N said as tears filled the corners of her eyes, "I know Wanda is your friend but so am and I thought you would at least try to respect my decisions." 

Nat saw the pain in Y/N's face and went to reach for her but Y/N took a step back shaking her head. Nat realised that she had pushed Y/N too hard and regretted hurting her best friend. 

"I can't do this. You need to go, this conversation is over" Y/N said her hands shaking. 

"Y/N I'm sorry. We'll be in town for another day, you know where you can find us" Nat said accepting that there was nothing more she could say now. 

Y/N didn't reply, instead she turned and walked away from Nat, heading into one of the other rooms in the apartment. Nat picked up her stuff and left the apartment, immediately heading back to the diner to find Yelena and Daisy. 

Hearing the apartment door close, Y/N finally lost the composure she had been fighting to maintain in front of Nat. Sinking to the floor, Y/N let out a cry of anger and pain as the tears spilled down her cheeks, every memory of her and Wanda that she had locked away flooded through her mind. 

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