Your Worst Nightmare

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When they got back to the jet the mood was low, nobody was happy about the fact that Sharon Carter had yet again managed to get away from them. They had taken all measures to keep their arrival in Madripoor discrete but they'd learnt the hard way that Sharon seemed to have eyes and ears everywhere. 

"I really think we should re-evaluate the idea of catching her alive" Yelena said, her tone filled with anger and annoyance. 

"Yelena, we are not hurting Sharon" Steve said bluntly before walking off to sit in the front section of the jet. 

Lexa took hold of Yelena's hand and pulled her to one side.

"Lena you need to stop with that, Steve has enough to worry about without thinking you're going to go rogue on this mission" Lexa warned her, trying to keep a stern look her face but it soon melted as she looked into Yelena's sparkling green eyes. 

Yelena nodded but part of her really couldn't understand why everyone was so adamant that Sharon had to be taken in alive. She had messed with Y/N nearly resulting in Nat dying and now she had rigged a briefcase to explode nearly killing Lexa. 

"Alright I'll stop upsetting Americas Ass" Yelena sighed before leaning in to kiss Lexa.

The beeping of the hologram screen drew everyones attention. to the central console in the jet, a moment later and Tony's face appears, along with the rest of the team crowding round him, they all looked extremely happy. 

"Hey guys sorry to interrupt your mission but I thought you'd all want to hear this news. Y/N is awake!" Tony exclaimed a bright smile on his face as he broke the news. 

"Really? As in awake and herself again or awake and still a zombie?" Yelena piped up as they all moved to stand around the screen. 

"She's back, like really back and herself" Nat appeared on the screen and she had a smile to match Tony's. 

Carol was glad to see how relieved and happy Nat looked but she was still hurt after the last conversation they'd had, so she stuck to standing out of view, not wanting to ruin the moment. 

"Well where is she then? Thought she'd at least want to say hello to me" Clint spoke this time a playful grin on his lips. 

"Oh you're going to have to get in line I'm afraid. I mean that's even if her and Wanda ever leave their room" Bucky answered with a laugh as everyone caught on to what he meant. 

"Cap, how's it going in Madripoor? Any luck finding Sharon?" Tony asked as he gestured for the others around him to be quiet. 

Steve sighed and shook his head, whilst he was over the moon to hear that Shuri had been able to help bring Y/N back he was frustrated that he couldn't return the good news. 

"Sharon got away, I'm not even sure she was ever really there, it was another trap. Lexa opened a wired briefcase that exploded, if Carol hadn't shown up when she did things would have been really bad" Steve explained, his news silencing the rest of the team around Tony. 

"What about the second address? Has that been checked out?" Nat was asking the questions now, her smile replaced with a frown. 

"We're going to try that tomorrow, for now we need to lay low, the explosion is definitely going to have gotten a lot of peoples attention" Steve said with a frown that matched Nat's. 

"Do you want us to come out there?" Bucky and Sam asked in unison. 

"No, we don't need to bring anymore attention to ourselves, this was meant to be a stealth mission. We'll handle it and be in Wakanda with you soon" Steve shook his head. 

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