No Turning Back

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The moment the jet had landed in Wakanda, the medical pod containing Y/N was immediately transport to Shuri's lab, where she was ready and waiting for the arrival. They all went with her, nobody wanting to risk taking their eyes of Y/N for a moment, there had been too many mistakes and nobody wanted another one to happen. 

"Nice lab you've got here" Tony said, slightly in awe of all the tech, not knowing what to look at first as they entered. 

"I'll give you the grand tour later Stark. For now let's focus on helping your friend" Shuri replied as she showed the Wakandan guards where to put Y/N. 

Wanda and Nat stood to the side, both of them nervous to hear what the plan was that Shuri had to help Y/N. There hadn't been much conversation on the flight, everyone was on edge, they wanted so badly for this to work and it was also hard to block out the fact that the rest of the team were on a mission to detain Sharon Carter. 

"Okay so I've worked on this for awhile now, it's still in a trial phase but I believe this may work in bringing Y/N back. The machine connects to the mind, it will show us exactly what is going on but that's not the cool part" Shuri started explaining, clearly excited to show her work, "What it allows is for us to connect two minds and create a pathway between them, so one person can enter the mind of another. If someone can go in and help Y/N out of where she's locked in then that may be the key to her being able to control her own thoughts and memories again." 

Tony was nodding, he understood some of the science behind it but had assumed something like this was years away from being ready. He knew he shouldn't have doubted that Shuri wouldn't have already solved it, the Wakandan technology was sophisticated far beyond its time. 

"What's the catch?" Wanda spoke now her eyes locked on Y/N, who was still unconscious in the medical pod. 

"Depending on just how fragile Y/N's mind is there is a chance that someone else entering it could shatter it to a point of no return. It is going to be a delicate process and I have only ever done it with two strong healthy minds connecting" Shuri said honestly, sensing how protective Wanda was of Y/N. 

They all glanced at each other knowing that if they decided to go ahead with this they were risking never getting Y/N back. There didn't seem to be another option though, this was the best chance they had and it meant gambling everything. 

"So whose mind do we connect with Y/N's?" Tony asked as he took a closer look at the machine that Shuri had built. 

"Someone she has a deep connection with, it will make it easier for them to enter her mind if they are familiar to her" Shuri answered as she began to get things online. 

Everyone glanced over at Wanda, who shook her head immediately. 

"No. The last memory that Y/N has of me was me nearly killing her, I don't think it should be me. I don't want to risk my magic hurting her again" Wanda moved back her hands trembling as she looked between Y/N and the others. 

Nat gently wrapped an arm around Wanda and held her. 

"Hey it's okay Wanda, you don't have to do it. Y/N is my best friend, I've known her a long time, I can do this" Nat said softly reassuring Wanda. 

Shuri with the assistance of Tony and Vision moved Y/N from the medical pod and onto one of the tables in the centre of the lab. She began connecting the wires and monitors to Y/N, bringing the screens to life as they started to scan Y/N's mind, mapping the situation going on inside her mind. 

"Wow..." Shuri muttered to herself as she stepped up to her interactive screens and started interpreting the data coming back. 

Tony came to stand beside Shuri, taking in what was on the screens, he could understand why Shuri was so shocked. The screen was showing an intricate map of Y/N's mind, physically showing them all for the first time just how broken and fractured it was. They'd spoken about it many times, but to actually have it laid out in front of them, it was shocking to see. 

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