You're Mine Again

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Tony and Shuri had refused to let Y/N leave the lab until they had run a few checks to make sure she was okay. Y/N had tried to protest against this, all she wanted to do was be with Wanda but Wanda had given her a stern look so she gave in and let them run the series of tests. Everything came back looking good physically but Y/N had drawn the line when they said about testing her mental state.

"Can we just leave my mind alone for a little bit? I think it's had enough of other people poking around in it for now" Y/N hopped off the table, dodging Tony who tried to stop her.

"Y/N we just want to be sure that's all" Tony reasoned as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I get it, you're worried I'm going to go all Agent X on you all without warning. That's not going to happen, I'm good here, there's no Sharon Carter around to ruin that. Right?" Y/N asked with an arched brow as she scanned the room.

"Steve and the others are dealing with that, I need to check in with them. They'll want to know that you're back too" Tony replied, accepting that Y/N wasn't going to be pushed to do something they didn't want to do right now.

Y/N slipped past Tony and smiled brightly as she went over to Wanda, who couldn't help but smile back even though a small part of her was concerned about Y/N avoiding the tests on her mind.

"Want to take me back to your room?" Y/N grinned playfully as she wrapped an arm around Wanda's waist and stole a quick kiss.

"That sounds like a plan I can't say no to" Wanda laughed, still in awe of the fact Y/N was there and present.

"Okay so I will see the rest of you later for my welcome back party. I'm getting a party right?" Y/N said as she started to lead Wanda out of the lab.

"I'll be sure to ask T'Challa if we can hang a banner and get party hats" Nat teased from where she stood with Valkyrie, the pair of them having moments ago been having a hushed conversation together.

Y/N smiled at her best friend before turning and now letting Wanda take the lead, since she actually had no idea where she was going. A short ride later on a skimmer jet and they arrived at the accommodation quarters that Nakia had arranged for them all, they each had a floor that contained a spacious apartment.

Wanda opened the door and led Y/N inside, she headed over to the large couch and sat down. Watching as Y/N looked around the room in amazement, it made Wanda smile even more seeing the joy on Y/N's face. It had been so long since she had seen Y/N's features free of pain and anguish.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Y/N asked catching the way that Wanda was smiling so brightly at her.

"Because you're mine again" Wanda said still smiling.

"So what's the deal with Nat and Valkyrie? Who by the way I can't wait to meet properly later she seems like a total badass" Y/N asked as she kept walking around the large room, marvelling at the Wakanda technology.

"Oh right yeah, there are a few things I should probably catch you up on. Nat and V, well they kind of have or had this thing going on but it ended when V had to go back to Asgard. Then Carol Danvers arrived and let's just say it was no secret that her and Nat were rolling in the sheets together" Wanda started explaining, laughing slightly at the shock on Y/N's face.

Y/N came over and sat down on the couch beside Wanda, leaning into the large throw cushions, resting her shin on her hand as she processed what Wanda was telling her.

"I mean I know people grieve in different ways but I wasn't expecting you to tell me that Nat got herself caught in a love triangle whilst mourning me" Y/N said with a chuckle as she looked at Wanda gesturing for her to continue filling her in.

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