Here For You

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Y/N arrived back at the penthouse before Sharon, she was probably still dealing with whatever the business situation had been that had pulled her away from the group earlier. Pouring herself a drink, Y/N went over and sat down on the couch. Her mind was racing and had been since Daisy had said Wanda's name, it was like a trigger for all the things Y/N had been pushing down. 

Taking a swig of the whiskey, Y/N reached into the inside pocket of her leather jacket with her free hand. Her fingers brushed against the item that was concealed in there, an item that she had kept in there all this time. Pulling it out, Y/n looked at the diamond ring sitting in the palm of her hand, Wanda's engagement ring. 

When Y/N had gone to Buccaneer Bay the seaport that neighboured Madripoor to carry out deals or enforcement for Sharon, she had often found herself standing on the end of one of the piers. Each time she had held the ring like she was now and Y/N had wanted to throw it out into the water but each time she had never been able to bring herself to let go. So she would put it right back into the inside pocket of her jacket and walk away from the end of the pier. 

Looking at it for a moment longer, Y/N shook her head and put it away in her pocket again. She was finally moving on and happy with her life, the past needed to stay in the past. That's what Y/N kept telling herself, but in the back of her mind she couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to know why Nat and the others had really come to her. 

Y/N was broken out of her thoughts by the sound of the penthouse elevator opening. Turning her head she felt a rush of relief when she saw Sharon walking toward her with that warm and perfect smile. 

"Hey, I hadn't expected you to leave so early. Is everything alright?" Sharon asked as she put her bag down and slipped off her jacket before joining Y/N on the couch. 

"Yeah, I was just feeling tired and well Yelena was going to drink your club out of vodka if I didn't send them back to their hotel when I did" Y/N said with a slight laugh. 

Sharon could tell there was something that Y/N wasn't telling her, she'd always been good at reading people and after all these months spent with Y/N it had become easy to see when she was deflecting the conversation. 

Taking the whiskey glass from Y/N, Sharon placed it down on the coffee table before moving to straddle Y/N's lap. Her blue eyes met Y/N's violet ones as she gently cupped Y/N's cheek, her thumb brushing the scar that ran down the side of Y/N's face. 

"I meant what I said earlier about wanting all of you, Y/N. That means all the good and the bad stuff. If you need to talk about something, then I'm here for you. You won't scare me away" Sharon said softly. 

Y/N tilted her head pressing her cheek into Sharon's hand. 

"I don't deserve how understanding you are being about all this. You're too good to me Sharon, I don't want to hurt you" Y/N sighed as she looked at Sharon. 

"You won't hurt me Y/N. I know you and you are kind and loving, you've shown me that over these months together" Sharon smiled at her, leaning in to press a trail of delicate kisses along Y/N's jaw. 

Y/N slipped her arms around Sharons waist pulling her closer, breathing in the sweet scent of her perfume, letting the warmth from Sharon wrap around her. Being close to Sharon made Y/N feel safe and she needed to feel that right now. 

"Does the offer still stand for me to stay here?" Y/N asked as Sharon moved to kiss her neck. 

"Of course" Sharon smiled as she pulled back slightly so she could look at Y/N. 

Y/N closed the small space between them and pressed her lips to Sharon's, drawing her into a deep kiss. 


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