"Well that could have gone better" Yelena said as they walked into the hotel room. 

They'd left the club when Y/N had and they all knew that there was no way for them to avoid telling Y/N the real reason why they were here now. It was clear Y/N had had doubts and with Daisy slipping up and mentioning Wanda, it had confirmed those doubts for Y/N. 

"I'll talk to Y/N tomorrow, hopefully she'll be willing to hear me out" Nat said as she went to sit on the edge of the bed. 

"Do you think her and Sharon are actually you know serious?" Daisy asked as she struggled to take off her shoes. 

"I've known Y/N for years now and the last time she looked at someone the way she looked at Sharon tonight was when she was with Wanda. So honestly, before I would have said it was just a fling, Y/N distracting herself but now I'm not sure" Nat admitted as she took her phone out and noticed the missed call from Steve. 

Yelena rolled her eyes as she watched Daisy still struggling to her boots off, walking over she knelt down and swatted Daisy's hands out of the way. 

"You really shouldn't try to keep up with Russians when they're drinking vodka" Yelena teased as she got both of Daisy's boots off. 

"I need to make a call, I'll let you two love birds have this room. I'll find another one" Nat said as she headed toward the door. 

Yelena glanced over at her sister with a a glimmer of panic in her eyes, yes her and Daisy has been flirting over the last couple of months but Yelena had always found an excuse to not be alone with Daisy. Now Nat was abandoning her and Yelena could tell from the grin on Nat's face that she knew exactly what she was doing. 

"Bye Nat!" Daisy waved with a smile, completely oblivious to the unspoken interaction between Yelena and Nat. 

Nat laughed slightly to herself as she slipped out the hotel room, dialling Steve's number as she headed back down to the hotel foyer. 

"Okay little drunk, let's get you into bed so you can sleep this off" Yelena said turning her attention back to Daisy. 

"Are you going to come to bed with me?" Daisy asked with a mischievous grin. 

"You are so very drunk" Yelena shook her head, "I am going to go and stay in the bed over there."

Daisy frowned slightly as she looked at Yelena, she could never figure out what the other woman was thinking. One moment Daisy was certain that Yelena liked her and was flirting but then suddenly she would become distant and act uninterested. 

"Alright I might be a little bit drunk but come on Yelena can you just tell me if I'm losing my mind, do you actually like me or not?" Daisy asked firmly, managing to stand without wobbling. 

Yelena bit the corner of her lip as she realised that there was no way to avoid this conversation now. She did really like Daisy but Yelena didn't know if she was ready to let herself be vulnerable again after losing Lexa. Yelena still visited Lexa's grave every week, the grief had subsided but it was still there and liking someone else, it felt like she was betraying Lexa. 

"It's complicated Daisy, I wish that it wasn't because I do like you but I don't know if I'm ready to be with someone yet" Yelena finally spoke after a few moments of silence. 

"Okay well at least I'm not imagining things, that's something" Daisy nodded with a small smile, "I'm not looking for us to rush into this Yelena, we can go as slow as you need." 

Daisy walked over and stopped just in front of where Yelena was standing. She reached out and took Yelena's hand in her own. 

"Come on, you need to sleep just as much as I do. I'm not the only one whose going to have a hangover in the morning" Daisy smiled softly, leading Yelena over to the bed. 

Yelena didn't protest and got into bed next to Daisy, she smiled slightly as Daisy fussed with the sheets before finally settling in Yelena's arm, resting her head on Yelena's chest. A few moments later they both fell asleep, wrapped up in one another. 


"Hey Steve, sorry I missed your call. What's the update?" Nat asked as she tucked herself in a quiet corner of the hotel foyer. 

"Vision came back from going to the cabin earlier, he said something seemed different. Like there was some kind of dark presence there. Nat I don't think we have time to waste, you need to tell Y/N what's going on" Steve replied, it was clear from the tone of his voice that he was really worried. 

"Okay, I'm seeing Y/N later and I'll tell her. Just keep me updated if anything major changes your end. We might need to consider a back up plan Steve" Nat said as she lent against the wall, her eyes scanning the foyer cautious about being overhead. 

"Why?" Steve asked. 

"Because the Y/N we were expecting to find here, one that needed fixing and needed to be with Wanda is not the Y/N that we've found. She's different. Steve she's in a relationship with Sharon Carter and has a whole new life here" Nat explained, "So she might not want to come back for Wanda." 

"Come on Nat, we both know that Y/N and Wanda always find their way back to each other. Y/N might think she's happy with Sharon, but part of her will know that she can't ever love Sharon the way that she loves Wanda" Steve replied. 

"When did you get all soppy and romantic?" Nat teased with a small laugh. 

"What can I say I'm more than just Americas Arse. Just be honest with Y/N and she'll make the right choice" Steve chuckled. 

"Alright, I'll let you know when I have any news Rogers. Bye" Nat hung up the call and silently hoped Steve was right about this. 

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