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-Welcome My Dear Y/N-

"The fashion show is starting!" someone yelled.

"Maki-Senpai will be there right?!"

"Let's go!"

"Nahoya! Souya! Let's go too!" Y/N puts Keith on his neck.

"Haa? We really need to go?" Nahoya whined.

The H/C haired puffed his cheeks and sticked his tongue out.

"Then stay here, I am going" Y/N walked away.

"Don't stick your tongue out" Souya said and Y/N turned around just to stick his tongue out again.

Souya grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled him closer to his face.

"Do that again" Souya stared at Y/N.

"Ah?!.... I am... Sorry?" Y/N looked confused.

"You can go, we will wait for you" Nahoya pulled his brother back and Y/N nodded.

"Bye bye!!" Y/N waved while smiling.

"You need to control your self hahahaha" Nahoya ruffled Souya's hair and laughed.

"Control? For what? I don't need to... Leave me alone!" Souya had his cheeks red and walked away.

"Let's go do some funny shit!" Nahoya grabbed his brother's wrist and started to run inside the school.

Meanwhile with Y/N, he was walking towards a stage that was placed in a middle of nowhere.

"! TAKEMICHI!" Y/N saw the blond boy in the middle of the crowd.

" L/N-San! You're here too?!" Takemichi widened his eyes with a big smile.

"Call me Y/N, this is my school, Nahoya and Souya are around there. They might be doing some shit or something." Y/N chuckled

"Nice to see you again L/N-San" Hinata was behind Takemichi.

"Hi Tachibana-Chan! Nice to see you too" Y/N tilted his head and closed his eyes giving the girl a big smile.

"C-Call me Hinata..." The girl blushed a little.

"H-Hina!" Takemichi whined.

"What is happening here~" Maki's voice sounded behind Takemichi and frown when she saw Hina.
"He is taken"

"A-Ah? No no! I think you misunderstood! I have a boyfriend! He is in front of you!" Hina panicked.

"Maki! Not every girl that talks to me likes me!" Y/N hits Maki's forehead and she chuckled.

"Sorry~" Maki looked at Hina with a sheepish smile.

"It's alright..." Hina said.

"Oh! The blonde boy from that night!" Maki noticed Takemichi.

"Huh?! THAT night?! TAKEMICHI HANAGAKI!" Hina glared at Takemichi

"Hina-Chan! It's not that!" Takemichi panicked.

Hate? /Kawata Twins X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now