chapter twelve

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Your pov

I waited and waited, starting to doubt that he would come back when i saw him in the distance and sighed with relief "i was starting to think you ran off with the crowns and left me." The one figure became two, the two guys that were after Eugene. "He did" the one said and i shook my head "what, no. He wouldn't"

"See for yourself" he said as he pointed to a boat sailing away with a person on it. I moved closer to the water and squinted, seeing that it was him "Eugene?...Eugene!"

"Fair trade...two crowns for a boy with magical hair" the one walked over and touched my hair. I moved away from him "what? My hair isn't...he lied to get the crowns?" I whispered as the two talked, not hearing me "how much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever?"

He was about to put a bag over my head but i ran around a large rock, my pants got stuck on a tree. I tried getting it loose when i heard two thuds "(y/n)!" Mother was here.

I got my pants unstuck and ran back to see mother holding a branch, Rapunzel was standing behind her, her hair all tied up and full of flowers and the two men unconscious.

"Lets go, before they come to" mother said, she sounded irritated. I nodded and followed her and Rapunzel but not before looking back at the boat that was sailing away to the kingdom.

"(Y/n)...come along" mother said standing and waiting for me. She opened her arms and i ran to her, hugging her "you were right mother, about everything. Im sorry, I...we'll never leave the tower again" i said looking at Rapunzel, she looked to the ground as if feeling guilty.

"I know darling. Lets go children" mother said as we headed home.

Once back in the tower, mother took all of the flowers put of Rapunzels hair and i sat in my bedroom. I heard her through the walls say "there, it never happened" then heard her come to my room. She sat on my bed "i really did try (y/n). I tried to warn you what was out there. The world is dark and selfish and cruel. Wash up for dinner, and try to wash out that color in your hair please, it's revolting" mother said and i only nodded.

She left my room and i reached into my pocket, taking out the piece of fabric with the sun on it. I walked over to Rapunzels room and sat on her bed

"Where did mother find you?" I asked "i was watching the floating lights in the kingdom, i should have never left and you shouldn't have followed me" she said and i laid down "I'm your older brother, i needed to make sure you were okay but i couldn't even do that, i was too busy falling in love with a liar and a thief"

I took the small fabric and held it up to the sky "whats that?" She asked and i gave a small smile "Eugene bought it for me, the whole kingdom was filled with these suns, it was pretty" i explained as i looked at the sun. She laid down next to me and looked at it too

"Wait..look at my paintings and the sun, the flower painting over there-" She pointed to a flower on the roof and i saw it too, within the flower was a hidden sun. We looked at it and realized the sun was hidden in all of her paintings. We stared at them, seeing more and more suns. I then saw something, a memory. It was blurred but it came together. The mural, the babies, the crown i put on.

Rapunzel almost fell but only pushed her table a bit, i fell back onto the bed "Did you-" i asked looking at Rapunzel  but as if she already knew what i was going to ask, she nodded. "We're not her children..." i quietly said

Eugenes pov

I walked through the corridor of the dungeon, a guard on each of my sides to make sure i dont try to escape, as we walked i noticed Sideburns and Eyepatch in a cell. I got mad and pushed the one guard away with my body, i headbutted the other one and jumped over the handcuffs so they would be in front of me, making it able for me to use my hands. I grabbed Sideburns through the bars and pulled him against it

"Who told you about them? How did you know about him?" I was referring to before they knocked me out and sent me to the castle doorstep. They thought (y/n) was the one with the magical hair so someone must have told them

"It was the old lady?" I asked. I was grabbed by more guards and pulled to the exit  "wait! You don't understand, he's in trouble, they're in trouble!"

Your pov

"Rapunzel? (Y/n)? What's going on up there? Are you two alright" we heard mother coming up the stairs and Rapunzel walked to the door, i followed her.

"We're the lost royal children" she mumbled "ugh, please speak up, you know i hate the mumbling" she said standing still on the stares. I walked infront of Rapunzel "we, are the lost Royal children. Aren't we?" I asked, speaking louder than Rapunzel did. I could see the fear in her eyes

"Did i mumble, mother? Or should we even call you that? (I never noticed, Rapunzel has buck teeth, it makes her look even cuter now that Ive noticed them) i asked. She tried to act as if everything was okay

"Oh, children. Do you even hear yourselves? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?" She asked as she walked up the stairs and tried to hug Rapunzel. I know i shouldn't be mad that she still chooses Rapunzel over me, even if she's not my real mother but i still hate being second best.

"It was you! It was all you" Rapunzel yelled as she pushed Gothel away. Gothels expression changed to a serious one "everything i did, was to protect the two of you."

Rapunzel pushed past her and i followed, somewhat enjoying the small push i gave to Gothel.

"We've spent our entire lives, hiding from people who would use me for my power..." Rapunzel said walking down the stairs "when we should have been hiding from you!" I yelled as we got to the bottom of the staircase.

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