chapter five

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POV: yours

I sat in the tower, i didn't know what to do, mother was probably on her way back, what would i tell her? 'Rapunzel is in her room painting' no, maybe she want to go see her 'she's asleep' no, she doesn't sleep during the day 'she left the tower' no, that would get me killed.

"Pascal, i need to go find her, i need to bring her back home, where it's safe...i...what is that sound?" i stood up from the floor and walked toward the window, where the sound was coming from. I slightly peaked over and saw someone climbing the wall "oh no" i moved away from the wall and hid as the stranger climbed into the tower.

I silently grabbed a frying pan and walked over to them. "Ah, alone at last-" i hit him with the pan as hard as i possibility could, knocking the. out.

I took a good look at the intruder. He was a man, a handsome one...ive never seen any other men, apart from myself before. I slowly walked over and bent down. I looked at Pascal, he pointed to the picturemother drew on the ground of a man with pointy teeth, maybe other men are differentfrom me "i wonder..." i used the handle of the
pan to open his mouth "i was right, men don't have pointy teeth, hes like me, normal"

I picked his upper body up and dragged him over to the dresser that Rapunzel had also painted. I used all of my strength to fully pick him up and put him into the dresser, i then set a chair under the handles to keep the doors from opening and him falling out.

I stared at the dresser then remembered he brought a satchel with him. I opened it and saw two shiny things. "Ive read about these...crowns. i looked into the mirror and put one on my head.

I gave a small smile at how i looked with it on my head. "Rapunzel"

"Oh no, her hair!" I quickly put the crowns back into the satchel and hid it underneath the stairs and ran tk the the window "what do i do, what do i say!" I panicked

"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" Mother yelled "think!" I told myself

I opened the window and looked down at mother. She must have had another way in and out when we were babies "mother, Rapunzel is still a bit upset about earlier..."

She sighed "oh, that child...okay, ill be right up" i saw her walk around the tower and i waited. Soon the floor opened. There was a trap door. Mother walked up the steps and closed the hatch. "Don't tell your sister." "I wont. Uh..she said to tell you she'll be staying in her room for the rest of the night, she doesn't want to see me" i 'informed' her

She sighed "well i guess thats only fair, i hope she'll stop talking about the stars" she said as she started to unpack "not stars...floating lights" i corrected her

"Oh, not you. I thought you have up on the stars when i told Rapunzel you two cant leave the tower"

"Well...i mean, they really can't be stars, as we said, I'vebeen charting stars for as long as i could read, i have a book about them...these lights, they move, they's...we just think we can handle ourselves out there, we'll stay out of sight and come back right after..." i tried to speak, feeling more panic set in. Rapunzel is gone and i have a man in the dresser, im also talking about going outside with someone who already left!

"You are most certainly not strong enough to handle yourselves out there" she told me with confidence. I need to tell her, shes going to find out sooner or later "mother, there's something-" "(y/n), were done talking about this" i was trying to tell her about the stranger

"But mother if you would just listen-" "no (y/n)" "i need you to-" "You're making me angery" "im trying to-"

"Enough with the lights (y/n)! Neither of you are leaving this tower, ever!" She yelled at me. I froze where i stood

"Great, now im the bad guy" she said as she sat down. I looked at the dresser then the painting of the lights.

"All i was going to say, mother, is that i know what Rapunzel and i want for our birthday now..." i said as i blinked away the tears that were starting to well up

"And what is that?" She asked "Rapunzel wants new paint...that paint made from the white shells you once brought her" i told her, i knew that Rapunzel liked that paint so much that she used it all up in one day

"Well that us a very long trip (y/n), almost three days time" "we just thought, it was better than the...stars." she sighed and asked "and what do you want?" "New strings for my guitar...mine are getting really old now and i need new ones..."

"Alright, fine. Are you sure you and your sister will be alright here on your own?" She walked toward me "i know we're safe as long as we're in the tower."

"I'll be back in three days time then" she said as she started packing food and some money. She then used the secret door to leave, but not before telling me to tell Rapunzel that she loves us most.

I watched as she walked into the woods, not even glancing back at the tower. Once i knew she was gone. I began to set up.

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