chapter two

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Gothel was finishing up with Rapunzel's hair, she had just sung her song, making her younger again. The little girl turned her head slightly to the side, indicating that she was speaking to Gothel "why can't we go outside?" 

(Y/n) turned his tiny head to Gothel, waiting for her to give an answer. He put a bookmark in the book where he was reading and closed the book "the outside world is a dangerous place darling, filled with horrible, selfish people, that's why you need to stay here, so i could keep you safe" Gothel told the small girl.

"But the walls of the tower, could not hide everything"

In the darkness of the tower, the two snuck out of their bedrooms and to a small window with the perfect view of the lights they see each year

"Each year, on their birthday, the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky, in hope that one day, their lost children would return"

POV: yours

I watched as Rapunzel and Pascal played hide and seek, it was a regular thing for the two when she had nothing else to do or was just bored. I sat on the bottom step of the stairs, writing down notes as I played them with my guitar. I was only allowed to play when mother wasn't around. It was her only condition to get me one after I begged her for years and only saw that Rapunzel got gifts.

I looked up and saw Rapunzel confused, trying to figure out where Pascal went. She looked at me for help and I mouthed 'window' she smiled and opened the window "ah hah!. Well, I guess Pascals not hiding out here" she spoke and walked away from the window. 

I looked at my sheet of paper, making sure the melody made sense so far and smiled. I saw Rapunzel coming in with Pascal and started strumming the guitar as she started singing

"seven a.m., the usual morning lineup"

She opened some of the windows to let light and fresh air into the tower. I put my guitar down and took the broom as she started on the dishes and i sung 

"start on the chores, i sweep til the floors all clean" 

i sweeped the floor, making sure it was actually clean

Rapunzel passed by me with a basket full of laundry and handed me a small tin of wax, continuing the song 

"polish and wax, do laundry-" 

i cut her off as i picked her hair up and mopped the floor 

"mop and shine up, sweep again and by then, it's like seven, fifteen"

I looked at the clock and sighed. 

"So ill read a book, you'll read two or three"

She sang looking at me, it's true, i read a lot, i gave her, her paint brushes as i grabbed my guitar and sang

"You'll add a few more paintings to your gallery, i'll play guitar, you'll knit, ill cook and basically-"

She smiled as i took a pie out of the oven and smelled it, smiling

"Just wondering when will our lives begin?"

I saw as she eyed the large open space behind some curtains on the wall and already knew what she wanted to do

"Then after lunch, it's puzzles. And darts and baking"

She walked over to me with a bunch of plates with cookies that she just made. I grabbed one off of the plate and ate it. She was the best baker.

"Paper mâché, a bit of ballet and chess"

After making a paper mâché doll of herself, she tried doing ballet but got caught in her hair and fell. With her free hand, she won our chess game and I huffed.

A while later she made a cool looking vase and i made a cup 

"Pottery, and ventriloquy, candle making"

I sang as I put my new cup away and watched her try to be a ventriloquist with Pascal as her puppet. We then made candles, a lot of them too

"Then we'll stretch, make a sketch, write some lyrics. Sew a dress, style your hair, maybe acrobatics?"

I shook my head at her last request and we decided to just reread some books instead 

We'll reread the books if we have time to spare, you'll paint the wall some more, I'm sure there's room somewhere"

We tried to find some room on the walls, it was covered with her paintings

"And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair, stuck in the same place we've always been"

She brushed her hair as i sat in the middle of the tower, surrounded but more of her hair 

"And we'll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering-"

She took a breath, tired from singing and brushing her hair so i continued the song, not loud but more quiet than the rest of the song

"When will our lives begin..."

She helped me up and we walked to the open window 

"Tomorrow night, the lights will appear"

She looked at the sky as i walked closer

"Just like they do, on our birthday, each year

I looked at the sky with her but she turned around and sang something i knew we would never know about

"What is it like, out there, where they glow, now that we're older, Mother might just let us go"

She sang about mother letting us finally go see the lights, at least we hope she lets us. We walked to her newest painting. It was of the trees we see outside surrounding the tower and the lights glowing above them. Rapunzel and I are painted, sitting on top of a tree, watching them.

We smiled at the thought. "You think she'll let us go?" She asked, turning to me "maybe, hopefully" i replied.

Edited: 20 October 202q

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