POV: Flynn Rider
I slid down a slanted roof and jumped onto the next, the roof was the easier way in, there were too many guards surrounding the castle but absolutely sero on top of it. I leaned over on the roof to see if anyone possibly saw us but then looked at the view.
"Wow, i could get used to a view like this" i said, my name was then called "hold on...yeah, im used to it, guys, i want a castle" i said as i turned to look at the twins. "We do this job, you could buy your own castle." Sideburns said as he walked over to me and grabbed me, dragging me to the part of the roof right obove where we want to be.
I tied the rope securely around my body and was lowered into the hole we made that was just big enough for me to fit into. As i was lowered, i saw that all of the guards that were protecting the crowns were all looking away from it.
Once i was right above the crown, one of the guards sneezed. "Uhf, hay fever?" I asked, he turned to me and said yes then turned back around. By the time he realized what was happening, i was already climbing back out of the hole with the crowns.
We quickly made our way off of the castle roof and started running as fast as we could. While on the bridge i asked patchie "cant you picture me in a castle of my own? Cause i certainly can. Oh, the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning. Gentlemen, this is a very big day!" We continued to run, knowing the guards are well after us.
POV: yours
Rapunzel put her paints and brushes away as i reorganized the books we read earlier. "This is it, this is a very big day, Pascal." She semi-whispered to her chameleon "you do know that I'm here too right? You dont need to only talk to Pascal, we're finally gonna do it. We're going to ask her" i said as i turned to look at her. She looked at me and smiled "yeah but can you change color and lick your eye?" I squinted at her in confusion "what does that even have to do with talking to me?"
"I don't know, I've spent too much time with Pascal" she said and chuckled. "Clearly"
"Rapunzel! Let down your hair" we heard Mother "it's time, I'm going to put my guitar away." I said as i grabbed it and walked upstairs to my room. "Rapunzel, im not getting any younger down here" mother spoke
I turned to Rapunzel from the top of the staircase "Rapunzel, stop talking and help mother" "okay, im going" she stuck her tongue out and i did the same. She then got to the window and let her hair down. I put my guitar away and quickly walked back downstairs, just in time too, mother climbed into the tower.
"Hi, welcome home, mother" Rapunzel said as she pulled the rest of her hair in and i greeted mother as she walked over to Rapunzel "oh Rapunzel, how you manage to do that every single day, without fail, it looks absolutely exhausting, darling" she spoke to Rapunzel as i stood still, being quiet. "Oh, its nothing mother"
"Then i don't know why it takes so long." She laughed and walked by me "oh darling, im just teasing her, don't look so sad, smile" i smiled and she continued walking.
Rapunzel and i looked at each other and i nodded, silently telling her that we should ask mother now. "Al right, so, mother. As you know, tomorrow is a very big day" she said as we followed mother to the mirror.
"Rapunzel, look in that mirror, you know what i see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh look, you're here too, and thats (y/n) right in the corner there, hi" she gave a small wave at me. She laughed and told us that she was just teasing us and we shouldn't take everything so seriously
I saw Rapunzel struggle to get her next sentence out so i walked up to them "mother, as Rapunzel was saying, tomorrow-" i was cut off by mother talking to Rapunzel "Rapunzel, mother's feeling a little run down, would you sing for me dear? Then we'll talk." Rapunzel looked at me apologetically "of course mother" she said, getting mother in her chair and getting the brush and small chair.
She sat down and handed mother her brush and started singing, she sang so fast that mother got mad as she couldn't properly begin to brush her hair. "Rapunzel!" She sternly said but Rapunzel ignored it and got courage to just talk fast and tell mother what we wanted
"Earlier (y/n) and i were saying that tomorrow was a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond so im just going to tell you, its our birthday!" She said "no, no, no, cant be. I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year" mother responded and i walked up to them "that's the funny thing about birthdays, they're kind of an annual thing." I smiled and sat down next to Rapunzel
"Mother, we're turning eighteen and we wanted to ask, what we really want for this birthday, actually what we really wanted for quite a few birthdays..." Rapunzel started mumbling and mother told her to stop talking if she was just going to mumble and that it's annoying.
She looked like she was about to cry so i just blurted it out "we wanna go see the floating lights"

Prince in Love
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert x Male reader ...... what if Rapunzel left the tower on her own? what if Eugene got to the tower when it was empty? what if it wasn't empty? ..... Mother Gothel took Rapunzel for her hair and her hair alon...