Play the song whenever, its just there
Your pov
I was awoken by the screams of Eugene. I sat up and saw him being dragged away by the same white horse that chased us with the guards yesterday. I quickly stood up and ran after them. I grabbed hold of Eugene's arms and pulled him to me "give me him" i said as the horse and i pulled him in two different directions.
I pulled as hard as i could and finally fell onto the ground with Eugene. The horse fell too and he had Eugene's boot in his mouth. He ran up to us and i stood in between the horse and Eugene. "Woah! Woah woah woah woah! Easy boy" the horse tried to get around me but i stopped him no matter where he went "settle down, easy boy, easy. Thats it" the horse finally calmed down and i told him to sit, to my surprise, he actually did sit.
"Now drop the boot. Drop it" he dropped it and i smiled "aw. You're such a good boy. Yes you are" i said as i started to pet him m which he clearly enjoyed "you all tired from chasing this bad man all over the place?" I asked and he nodded i heard Eugene say "excuse me" from behind me but i ignored him "nobody appreciates you, do they?" I asked and he shook his head pouting
"He's a bad horse!" Eugene yelled "he's nothing but a sweetheart." I said and checked his collar "his names maximus"
"You have got to be kidding me" Eugene spoke, almost getting up from the ground when Maximums glared at him "look. Today is kind of the biggest day of my life and the thing is, i need you to not get him arrested. Just for 24 hours and then you can chase each other to your hearts content, okay?" I said as Eugene walked up to the horse and held his hand out
Maximus glared at him for a moment "it's also my birthday just so you know" he then put his hoof into Eugenes hand and they shook on it.
I then heard bells and followed the sound, leaving the two behind. Soon i saw a whole kingdom with a castle and houses and people. I followed the bridge into town smiling and waving at people.
Eugenes pov
I ducked below a wall as guards walked by on the other side. I then looked at (y/n) as he interacted with some children and looked at everything in awe. It was cute how excited he was. I smiled and saw Maximums smirk at me, i pushed his face away from me and stood up "it's not like that. Im just helping him see the lanterns and find his sister." I said but he looked like he didn't believe me and wriggled his nonexistent eyebrows.
Your pov again
We walked by a few sellers and stood in a line to buy something. I turned around and saw a large mural, it had a man and a woman in it holding two babies. I looked at it until i heard music and turned to the sound. I stared dancing and children danced with me. I grabbed more and more people to dance with us. We danced as more people joined us. I motioned for Eugene to join us, he shook his head but Maximums pushed him toward me.
I grabbed his hands and we danced together for a while. The dance came to an end as people had other things to do and Eugene bought a small piece of fabric with a sun on it that seemed to be everywhere too.
I put it in my pocket for safe keeping and we continued to look over all the things the people had. A while later, someone yelled "to the boats!" And Eugene told me that it was for the lanterns. We then got to an empty boat and went out onto the water as the sun set.
Once we were far into the middle of the lake surrounding the village, i looked at the view and it was beautiful. "I can't wait for this, wherever Rapunzel is, i hope she'll see this too" i said still looking at the village
I almost tipped the boat as i tried to get higher up to see the lanterns after i saw that first one, i felt chills all over my body as more float up into the sky, then came another and another and thousands more, coming from the village and the boats, lighting the night sky in a beautiful glow, it was amazing, everything i dreamed it would be.
They all floated upwards but soon started moving with the light breeze, surrounding us in the water, glowing even more with their own reflections. I turned around to look at them and saw Eugene holding two lanterns.
I smiled and sat down "i have something for you too" i said as i got the satchel from underneath the seat and showing him "i should've given it to tou before but i was just scared and the thing is, im not scared anymore, you know what i mean?" He pushed the satchel down "I'm starting to" i put the satchel back underneath the seat and he gave me one of the lanterns.
Together we lifted them up and watched as they floated away. I got to the edge of the boat again and lifted a lantern going to land in the water. Eugene then took my hand and we looked at each other
Both: "And at last i see the light"
Eugene: "and its like the fog has lifted
Both: "and at last i see the light
You: "and it's like the sky is new
Both: "and its warm and real and bright and the world has somehow shifted. All at once, everything is different. Now that i see you, now that i, see you"
He put his hand on my cheek, his other still holding my hand. He then moved in closer as the song came to and end. I closed my eyes, thinking we were about to kiss when he moved away from me "is everything okay?" I asked opening my eyes and looking behind me to where he was looking. "Huh? Oh, yes" he said and checked nervously. "Yes of course, i just..."
He then took us to shore but not the village, the the woods. He got out of the boat "everything is fine, there's just something i need to take care of." He took the satchel as i sat in the boat "okay" i said as i looked at the satchel then back at him "I'll be right back" he said and walked off "it's alright Pascal..." i said looking at the empty spot on the boat.

Prince in Love
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert x Male reader ...... what if Rapunzel left the tower on her own? what if Eugene got to the tower when it was empty? what if it wasn't empty? ..... Mother Gothel took Rapunzel for her hair and her hair alon...