"This is the story of how I died. Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story, and the truth is, it isn't even mine. This is the story of two royals, a boy named (Y/n) and a girl named Rapunzel, well mainly about the guy but you'll see why the girl is important too.
Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens and from this small drop of sun, grew a magic, golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and the injured"
An old woman walked around a big rock and discovered a glowing flower
"Oh, you see that old woman over there? You might wanna remember her, she's kind of important.
Well, centuries passed and a hop skip and a boat ride away, there grew a kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and a queen and the queen, well she was about to have her babies, but she got sick, really sick.
She was running out of time and that's when people usually start to look for a miracle, or in this case, a magical golden flower."
Hundreds of people set out to find the flower, they searched everywhere they could think to. While on a cliff was the old woman who wanted the flower all to herself
"Ah, you see? I told you she'd be important. Instead of sharing the flower's gift, this woman, Mother Gothel, hoarded it's healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years, and all she had to do was sing a special song."
The old woman sat down and cupped her hands around the flower, she took a breath and started to sing "Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine, what once, was mine" as she sang the flower glowed, using its power to reverse the effects of age from Mother Gothel, making her look young again
"Alright, you get the jist, she sings to it, she turns young, creepy right?"
She heard voices nearing and put a makeshift bush over the flower to hide it from whoever was headed her way. She then put her hood over her head and ran off, hiding from the crowd, but what she didn't know was that she accidentally pushed over the small fake bush, exposing the flower as she fled.
The king's royal guards found the flower and brought it to the queen, much to Mother Gothel Disapproval.
"The magic of the golden flower healed the queen. Two healthy babies were born, the first born a boy, the prince and the second a girl, the princess. The boy had short (h/c) hair and eyes that neared a purple color, the girl had beautiful golden hair and bright green eyes. I'll give you a hint, that's (y/n) and Rapunzel.
To celebrate their birth, the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky"
The queen held her son and the king held his daughter, they both held a lantern with their free hand and lifted it up as the rest of the kingdom followed with their own lanterns and cheered.
"And for that one moment, everything was perfect. And then that moment ended"
Mother Gothel entered the bedroom and watched the children sleep for a moment before singing the song. As she sang Rapunzel's hair glowed a bright golden color. She watched the boy to see changes in his hair but there wasn't any. She continued to sing and touched the girl's hair to give herself youth again and saw the boy stir.
She took her scissors and put them to a lock of Rapunzels hair while still singing. She heard the boy groan and looked at him, Rapunzel's hair still in her hands. He slightly opened his eyes, but closed them again. She saw the color of them and thought he had to be magical somehow to have such an unnatural eye color.
While still looking at the boy, she snipped Rapunzel's hair and gasped as the hair in her hand turned brown, causing her to age again.
"Gothel broke into the castle, stole the children, and just like that...gone. the kingdom searched and searched but they could not find the children, for deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, Gothel raised the two as her own, but of course, the magical one would be more important to her"
"-Bring back what once was mine, what once was mine" Rapunzel sang as Gothel brushed her glowing hair.
(Y/n) sat in the corner of the room, by the stairs, reading a book as he listened to his sister sing
"Gothel had found her new magic flower, and she intended to keep it hidden, she held onto Rapunzel's brother, in hopes that his eyes were an indication that he had a power similar to Rapunzels or maybe better for Gothel"
Edited: 20 October 2021

Prince in Love
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert x Male reader ...... what if Rapunzel left the tower on her own? what if Eugene got to the tower when it was empty? what if it wasn't empty? ..... Mother Gothel took Rapunzel for her hair and her hair alon...