chapter eight

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Your pov

He took me to a small place that looked like it would be nicer on the inside, it wasn't. The place was filled with ruffians and thugs, all of them looking like they could kill us any second.

I wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying until he lead me to the door and it was slammed shut. One of the men asked if the picture on the door was Flynn. He moved the guys finger a bit and said something about his nose not being right. "That is you" i said and the mans smile grew wider as he walked closer to us.

Flynn stood in front of me with his arms stretched out as id he didn't want the man to come near me. "That rewards gonna buy me a new hook"

One of the other men then grabbed flynn saying he wanted the reward money, they all then started pulling him around, each wanting to give him in to get the money for themselves, why was he wanted? Is it because of the crowns? Did he steal them?

They all started crowding around flynn, each trying to get to him and i tried to get through them all, trying to save flynn. I started hitting people with the pan "give me back my guy!" I yelled as i continued to hit them, not really getting any reaction from them.

They moved apart and held flynn still as one of them moved his arm back, indicating that he was about to hit flynn

"Stop!" I yelled at the top op my lungs, the floor and walls shook for a second and a branch from the ceiling broke and fell onto the guys head, I've nevwr been in an earthquake, be it this small, though i am glad it happened because they stopped l. They all froze then turned to me "put him down!"

"Okay. I don't know where i am and i need him to take me to get my sister and to see the lanterns because she went to see them and ive been dreaming about them my entire life, find your humanity, haven't any of you ever had a dream?" I asked them.

The guy that had the branch fall onto his head grabbed his axe and walked over to me "i, had a dream once" he said then threw the axe at the wall, just above a accordion players head. Out of fear the guy started playing the instrument while shaking.

Pascal jumped off of my shoulder and went off to somewhere as the man started singing. I smiled as he sang about his dream and walked over to a piano and played it, he was amazing.

Everyone started singing along with him about having a dream. I sat down and listened, seeing Pascal on a wooden barrel with two rats who were dancing to the song too.

I smiled as i heard about all the stories of the people, they all seemed and looked scary but they were all actually really nice. There was someone who wanted to be a florist, another who wanted to be an interior designer, a baker and a mime,.someone who nits another who sewes, and so many more.

They all looked at flynn "what about you" they asked about his dream and i listened in "no, no, no, sorry boys, i don't sing" he said but was threatened with swords. Immediately he started singing

"I have dreams like you, no really. Just much less...touchy feely. They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny"

He took a ceramic unicorn from one of the men and put it in a cauldron full of ash

"On an island that i own, secluded and alone, surrounded by enormous piles of money!"

I stoof onto the counter as i started about my dream, mostly i just want to find my sister safe but seeing the lanterns is a bonus.

"I've got a dream (hes got a dream) I've got a dream (he's got a dream) i just want to see the floating lanterns gleam and with every passing hour I'm so glad i left the tower. Like all you lovely folks, ive got a dream

(He's got a dream, he's got a dream, he's got a dream, he's got a dream)"
{{Fixed it, for those who complained and got their comments deleted.}}

We all continued to sing about having a dream and right as the song ended the man who ran out to find the guards, opened the door "i found the guards" he said smiling. Flynn grabbed me off of the table and we hid behind the counter. He is wanted...

I heard as the guard told the rest of them to turn the place upside down to find flynn. We then saw a hook, the guy who wants to be a pianist lead us to a secret underground door "go. Live your dream" he said and flynn replied "i will"

"Yourdream stinks. I was talking to him" he said and i smiled "i will. Thank you for helping us" i said and we crawled down to the underground passage way.

Along the way, we found a candle light and used it to see where we were going "that was exciting!" I yelled and he looked at me with a small smile "yeah, i didn't know you had that in you Lavender"

"So. Where are you from?" I asked, hoping to get to know him "woah, woah, woah. I don't do backstories, however, i am becoming very interested in yours. I know im not allowed to ask about the eyes, ot the mother and sister, frankly im too scared to ask about the frog-" i corrected him "chameleon"

"-right. Here's my question though, if you want to see the lanterns so badly, why haven't you gone before?" We stopped walking "ehr...well..." suddenly, the ground started shaking and we heard the guards coming our way.

We ran from them and got out of the tunnel, only to be met with a cliff that had a rope ladder tied to it.

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