Chapter 13: -Something in the Air-

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Najma wasn't sure how he had ended up accompanying a group of soldiers to their new mess hall, but he trailed behind the group, unable to join in their camaraderie. He wasn't one of them. He didn't want to be one of them, and he tried not to hear what they were saying. Of all the discussion topics he might have expected after a hard battle, it had not occurred to him that one of them might be him.

'The Yu-Liang.'

They didn't know it was him, walking so nearby, but with every mention of his involvement in their bloody victory, he was sharply reminded of his guilt. He winced each time and fell farther behind until he could no longer hear the things they said about him—both venom and praise alike. By the time they had arrived at the newly operational cafeteria, he felt too sick to try and stomach anything.

The entire remnant of Alliance soldiers could fit in the same room. It was yet another bleak reminder to look around and know that these were all that remained of the hundreds from Beyarm 4. But already, he'd heard rumors and seen evidence of the apparent warm welcome to the new judges. He recalled Garter's second announcement, telling the whole universe that they were excepting recruits to the cause. It wouldn't be long before they started to arrive, returning might to Garter's side. Before the year's end, she would have enough troops at her disposal to do whatever she wanted.

It was wise of her not to disclose just how much they had lost. For all the world knew, they had enough numbers to fill the entire Intrepid, rather than the tiny fraction of the vessel that they were truly able to occupy.

With no reason to linger, Najma turned back to the door, but before he could leave the cafeteria, a young soldier from the Ford Sector cornered him with news that Garter wanted to see him. His heart stuttered in his chest as he followed the grey alien down the impartial, sterile halls. What did she want him for? Would she threaten him, now that her plan was complete and she didn't need his trust? Perhaps she'd kill him now to prevent the truth from coming out sometime down the line, and chalk it up to an accident. It would be easy to say that her Yu-Liang comrade had been killed in the battle. All she had ever really needed was his signature, which he had naïvely provided. If he was dead, he'd never have the opportunity to change his mind about his support. Which, he realized, she didn't know she had lost.

The long walk left him alone to his thoughts for far too long, but at long last, they reached the office in which Garter had set up. The sight of her set his blood to racing, though he didn't know if it was anger or fear. His insides were twisted too far to figure it out.

The solider that had led him offered a brief salute to his leader before promptly leaving Najma to Garter's wrath. She was seated behind a desk, hands folded as she watched him.

"Have a seat, Najma." Her expression was carefully blank. He could not know what to think as he lowered himself onto the edge of the seat opposite her.

His deep breath trembled, and he waited an eternity for her to finally speak.

She heaved a sigh and placed her hands on her desk, leaning forward.

"I have to apologize. I can only hope that you understand my reasons and motivations. I never intended to lie to you, but I saw an opportunity with your timely arrival, and I had to move quickly to seize it." She spoke in somber tones, and Najma struggled to find the insincerity. Surely, she couldn't mean it. He had to have some reason to be mad, to yell at him and then kill him in a fit of rage.

He remained silent, tasting bile.

"I can offer you three things." She pursed her lips. "One, you can stay on as my supporter and actively speak as a Yu-Liang representative in the further dealing of the Alliance of the Shooting Stars. Two, you can fade into background quietly and easily. You can be a soldier or a janitor, for all I care. I'll keep my silence about your true identity and you can leave your heritage behind. Three, you can take absolutely nothing from me and leave forever. Go where you will. I'll even get you there. Think of it as payment for your service."

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