Chapter 209: It Will Only Be You

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Xia Wanyuan blushed. Looking at Jun Shiling's cold side profile, she felt a little flustered.

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The chauffeur in the front row: What should I do? Will I be killed if I see what happened to the big boss? Hey, can the two of you get out of the car quickly? You're already an old couple. How can you not be tired of hugging each other? Sigh, I wonder if the mutton soup downstairs is still open. I'm hungry. Hurry up and get off work. I have to eat a big bowl of mutton noodles.

"Let's go back. You must be hungry today."

Sensing Xia Wanyuan's embarrassment, Jun Shiling finally put down the documents in his hand and took the initiative to turn over the matter.


They came back a little late. Xiao Bao had always been asked by Jun Shiling to sleep and wake up early, so he had finished his dinner early. After waiting for Xia Wanyuan in a daze for a while, he was already asleep.

Nanny Li and the rest brought the food over. Xia Wanyuan's appetite was completely aroused by the fragrance of the dishes on the table.

Xia Wanyuan liked many of the dishes on the table, but the plate of prawns was untouched.

The Xia Dynasty was far from the sea. Xia Wanyuan had never tried seafood in her previous life, so she was naturally a little resistant to these things with shells.

Jun Shiling looked up. He remembered that there were prawns at the seaside of Wuyishan last time. Xia Wanyuan seemed to like them.

After a while, Jun Shiling reached out and pulled the plate with the prawns in the corner in front of him.

The pair of hands that guided the rivers and controlled the ups and downs of the business waters was still very pleasing to the eye when he peeled the prawn shell.

After a while, a chubby piece of prawn meat appeared in Jun Shiling's hand.

A second later, it appeared in Xia Wanyuan's bowl.

Xia Wanyuan picked up the prawn meat very naturally and ate it in one bite. It was fresh and sweet. The prawn meat without the shell was indeed delicious.

Seeing Xia Wanyuan's impolite actions, not only was Jun Shiling not angry, but he also had a faint smile in his eyes.

After being raised for so long, Xia Wanyuan finally let go of her distance and etiquette in front of me.

Jun Shiling's hands didn't stop, and the prawn meat in Xia Wanyuan's bowl never stopped increasing.

"Jun Shiling." Looking at Jun Shiling skillfully peeling the prawns, Xia Wanyuan felt emotional. It was rare to see a man like Jun Shiling, who held a high position but still did not have any arrogance.

"What's wrong?" Jun Shiling paused and looked at Xia Wanyuan.

"When I leave this place and you meet the lover you like, she will definitely be taken care of very well by you." Xia Wanyuan's thoughts came from the bottom of her heart. Although she seemed to feel a little uncomfortable saying this, she quickly ignored this discomfort.

"No," Jun Shiling replied calmly. He pushed away the plate of prawns, took a wet wipe, and wiped his hands carefully.

"No what?" Xia Wanyuan pressed.

However, Jun Shiling did not speak further. He seemed to be extremely silent, and Xia Wanyuan did not probe further.

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