"This scent is making me go insane. Open the door."  My wolf growls at me. I decided not to listen to my inner wolf and knock. I hear movement and then a click of the door. I am greeted by the scent of vanilla and sugar cookies and an older male I've also not seen before. He had dyed blood-red hair with black undertones. His eyes are a caramel brown, and he has double nose piercings. A small chain connects the two piercings on opposite sides. What is up with everyone having a piercing? I need one if I'm going to be living here.

"Ooh, you must be what I'm smelling," the older male says, almost licking his lips, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I'm M-melody." I managed to get out. I never use my real name. I'm not too fond of that name. I don't know why I introduced myself that way; it's almost like I cannot control my body right now. The older male looked me up and down, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. I kind of just stood there awkwardly, waiting for him to say something.

"What a beautiful name for my mate!" he smiles, his eyes fluttering back open, and he looks down at me.

"Oh, this is wonderful! We have two muscular mates who can ram us simultaneously-." My wolf gets cut off as the older male takes my hand and drags me inside his room. He sits me on his bed and stands observing me. I finally got the courage to speak up again.

"Um, I think there might be a mistake... You see I already have a mate and he-" The older male stops me by putting his hand up. I cringe, thinking he will hit me, and his face becomes concerned.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He pauses. "But having multiple mates is common, especially for those who need extra support. The Moon Goddess knows what's best for you and me." Wow, I didn't know what to say. I thought this kind of thing was uncommon. This surely will upset Sam.

"I-I'm sorry to sound this way, but do you know who I am?" I ask my new mate.

"Not if we're just now meeting you, dork." He steps forward to ruffle my hair, and I let him. He stops to look at me. "Is there something wrong?" He asks. I shook my head, no, but I wanted to say yes. "Well, my name is Rory. I help with the maintenance of all the houses on the property. If something needs fixing, I'm your guy. " He smiles at me. Returning the favor, I smile back. It makes sense now. Rory was already here working on the houses when the pack was traveling here. That's why he has no idea who I am. I realize I'm spacing out and didn't even notice that Rory came to sit next to me on his bed. For some reason, I decided to lay my head on his shoulder. After all, he is my mate now, too; I can feel the heat in my gut telling me so. Rory takes a deep breath of my scent again. "You know you kind of smell like the Alpha. You've got a faint hint of it mixed with yours." I gulped and lifted my head to look Rory in the eyes. His eyes widened. "Oh, fuck! You're- you're!" He couldn't even get it out, but I knew he finally got it.

"Yes, I was trying to tell you," I whispered.

"Fuck, Melody!" Rory hits his hand to his face, falling onto his bed.

"What?! I'm sorry! I'm disappointing you, aren't I? I'm not what you expected. I'm sorry, I don't have control over this! I didn't even know you could have more than one mate! I barely know the ins and outs of what a regular pack looks like! I'm scared! I know nothing! I'm like a pup! I- I'm a pup. I don't know anything. " After that long outburst of emotions, I feel tears running down my cheeks and begin sobbing. Rory immediately sprung back up to comfort me. He held me close while rubbing small circles into my side. Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal Sam, watching Rory hold me. I was mortified at what was about to happen. I could feel the heat just dripping off of Sam, and not the good kind.

"What's happening here, Rory?" Rory didn't move and continued to hold me. I was now visibly shaking after just sobbing my eyes out. "Rory." Sam was using his Alpha tone now, but not in a way I've heard it before. Everyone knows you can't disobey your Alpha. Rory sighed and got up, letting go of me. I whined at the lack of touch, so I reached out to hold his hand. I knew I was not making this better for him, but I was upset. This caused Rory to look down at me and smile.

"Alpha, please let me explain." Rory finally said, looking Sam directly in the eyes. I, too, looked at Sam for the first time since he opened the door. His eyes were glowing red. I winced at the sight. He was upset. Sam didn't say anything. "Melody came to me. He knocked on my door. He was releasing pheromones and as soon as I opened my door and it hit me I instantly knew..." Somehow, I reached my feet and stood in front of Rory.

"Sam, Rory is also my mate." The two seemed shocked that I had spoken, and honestly, me too. I was shocked that I said anything. "Also, I may need help controlling my pheromones. I didn't even mean to do this." I said, scratching the back of my neck nervously. I can feel the heat standing in between them. Sam was fuming, and Rory was trying to protect me. It was getting hotter, and this time, it wasn't making me uncomfortable; it was making me aroused. My cheeks heat up and turn a bright red. "Fuck I have to get out of here." I ran past Sam at the door, to the stairs, and reached our bedroom. I slam the door shut and lock it. I hope they're not fighting over this, but I have a bigger problem. I look down at the bulge in my pants and frown. I have never had a boner before. You know, except the other day when Sam and I kissed. It hurts down in my lower stomach, almost like it's on fire. I whimper at the pain and go to lie down on the bed. Sam has been sleeping on the living room couch, just in case. I know we're pushing our limits with our wolves, but I don't think I'm mentally ready to mate. I felt myself twitch inside my pants. My wolf sure is prepared, though. I turn to my side and bury my face into the pillow, embarrassed, even though nobody can see me. I calmed myself down enough to become sleepy again. A few minutes or so went by, and just as I was closing my eyes, there was a knock at the door.

"Mel, It's me; please unlock the door." I could hear Rory on the other side of the door. Sam and him must have talked about me because he called me Mel instead of Melody this time. I rub my eyes and stretch my legs, letting my feet hit the floor. I walk over to the door and unlock it. Rory immediately turns the knob, letting himself in. He embraces me, holding onto me tightly. 

"I missed you." I could barely hear him; all I could hear was the vibration of his words because he was holding me so close to his chest. I tried to ask how, but it was too muffled. He let his grip loosen but still had his arms around my waist.

"I was only up here for a few minutes; how'd you miss me so soon?" I raise my head to see him.

"I've waited patiently for my mate, and now here you are. You better believe I'm going to be attached to you." Rory grabs my face without any warning, and our lips collide. Rory's lips felt very different than Sam's. Rory's was soft, and his bottom lip was significantly larger than his top. Sam's lips were rougher, and Rory's kisses were light. We pull apart, and I grin at him. 

"I'm so glad I have both of you," I say happily.

"I'm happy to have you too." Rory gives my forehead a peck. "But Sam may need time to adjust to this. He's not upset, but he wasn't planning to share you. Everything will be fine, though." Rory assured me. 

"Thank you, Rory." I hug him this time.

"For what?" "He asks, completing the hug and wrapping his arms around me."

"For being you. I don't know If Sam told you anything about my past, but I have not had kind people in my life."

"You won't have to worry about that anymore. Sam and I will always be kind and protect you." Rory pets my head. How about we eat that breakfast Sabrina made just for you?"

We went to the kitchen to see that Caz had left and Sabrina was waiting for us. I was relieved none of the other pack members were there. I don't think I could handle meeting any more new people today.

"I guess Caz was right about getting control of your pheromones, huh? I could tell everything that was going on just by your scent." Sabrina cupped her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh.

"E-everything?!" I gave her a horrified look.

"Every. Thing." She confirmed. My face was red again at the thought that any one of the pack members could have smelled that I had cried and then got a boner. Sabrina couldn't hold in her laughter any longer and busted out laughing.

"Can we just eat, please?" I groaned. "And forget any of that happened? Thanks."

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