• You must wear white shirt and a blue blazer and pencil skirt if you're a woman with heels. You must be presentable.

• You must not ignore your work for personal means.

• You must act professionally in the office matters even if the person in front of you is your relative.

• You cannot terminate the contract before 3 months

• I can fire you anytime.

Those were the last two conditions.

After reading, I didn't like one condition so I decided to tell that to him.
"Sir I've problem with a condition and I want to add one if it's possible"


"Well I'm not comfortable or used to wearing skirts and high heels. And I can't work properly in them. And if I won't be comfortable, I won't be able to work with full concentration and it can affect the company's growth"

"Fair enough. Come to the company wearing skrit and heels tomorrow, if your work can impress me you can wear anything you like"

"Alright sir"

"And the other one?"

"I don't want to have any relation or connection with you or any one in the office outside the office. Except some special cases."

"You have to earn it. I'll give you your first task tomorrow. If you succeed within a month then you add anything you like. I won't question it."

"Ok Sir" I signed the contract

"Come tomorrow at 7. You can leave"

Before leaving I attached a small audio recepter under his table which is connected to my earpiece and walked out.

His assistant came in and informed him that he'll have a meeting within 5 minutes.

Tala and Kai both came out of the room. Kai went with his assistant and Tala was heading towards me.

"Natasha!" He called.

"Hi Mr. Valkov"

"You don't have to be so formal with me"

"Alright red-haired"

We laughed a little then Tala proposed, "Come let's have breakfast"

"Alright" I was hungry so I agreed. And also because Tala can provide me with some information. After all he was once Voltaire's best soldier

We both ordered sandwich and coffee.

"Um Tala!" I started

"Yes?" he raised his head

"Um if you don't mind me asking...... Can you give me some details about Voltaire?"

"Can we not bring him up please?"

"Yeah of course" shit I have to know! But I can't let him suspect me in anyway.

"Is it important?" He asked

"Um yeah kinda! My sister is working on a project you know about the attack so hearing the stories from a victim would have been useful. But it's alright if you don't want to. Don't pressurize yourself"

"Well he was like a monster um oppressive. He took children in and trained them and those who failed in the training they used to beat them up. Voltaire was the mastermind but Boris was the actual devil. That merciless bastard beated us to death. There was no escape. Kai was really lucky. And if they feel that they don't need someone anymore they used to throw us out like trash in the cold"

"Where did this happen? I mean where was Voltaire all this time? Where was he hiding?" Come on Tala please answer me this one.

"I don't know he used to visit once in a month. He used to watch us train, then pick up 2 best of them used to experiment on their body, the doctor used to cut our body parts, organs replace them with artificial ones that were under his control, brainwashed us. Even at some point, we didn't had mind of our own. Everything was controlled b....by.... them" He nearly chocked, I could feel that he's shivering and about to burst out in tears.

I got up and hugged him.
"Hey it's all fine now! I'm sorry for bringing the topic up" didn't get anything useful.

"Those artificial parts are now removed right?" I asked

"Some of them yes but dome are too risky to operate so we gotta live with those" then maybe we can track down some and interrogate!

"I'm so sorry! Let me take you home"

After I dropped Tala home, I called Mahesh

"Yes commander?"

"Voltaire's army has some artificial organs implanted in them. Try to track them down and interrogate them separately."

"On it"

"Oh and don't pressurize them. Some might not be in the right mental state so observe them first"

"Roger that"


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