The letter

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"Jung hwan-ah , I know you're a mafia"
"What!" Jung hwan said trying not to shout too loud.
"N-namjoon wh-what" Jung hwan told looking nervous.
"Why didn't you tell this before to us" I told looking straight into his eyes. He sighed

"I- didn't want you to know I was a mafia. I though you guys will hate me.I didn't want to hurt you guys" he told looking down.
"See, I understand but since you're a mafia if you are together with yn they will somehow figure it out and maybe use her as a bait. I don't her to get hurt. So you get what I'm trying to say right?" I told patting his back.
"I...understand. I will go to another country " Jung hwan then turned front and looked into nothing.

My heart aches . I feel so bad for doing this . I'm sorry Jung hwan....I'm sorry yn

Author pov
After hearing this Jung hwan realised how much of a threat he was for his friends And yn.
So he decided. That he'll be going away somewhere far, where he doesn't have to worry his loved ones being hurted.
After the class got over namjoon was going to go out but Jung hwan held his hand.

"Wait" Jung hwan told to which namjoon turned to him.
"Can I spend a last moment together with all of you" Jung hwan told trying to control his emotions.
"Of course" Namjoon said and turned back to go out of the class but immediately turned back and tightly hugged Jung hwan.

"I'm sorry" Namjoon told and hugged him even tighter.
"It's not your fault" Jung hwan pulled away and wiped off a tear that fell down namjoon's face.
"I don't like seeing my bro cry"Jung hwan told and smiled at Namjoon.

The school got over and they both went towards the siblings car.
"Hey Jung hwan!" Jimin chirped out as he was first one to them.
"Hey Jimin" Jung hwan smiled at him
"I just wanted at ask if we can hang out now, I know it's so sudden but I hope we can" Jung hwan told .

"Oh, sure. Let's go" jin told and told him to get in the car.
They finally reached to amusement park after debating.
"It's always Amusement park anyways" yoongi said and got out of the car first.

They all gone to many rides and at some point jung hwan felt sad knowing it's probably their last time hanging out with each-other. They went to restaurant, arcade and many places .At last they were all worn out .
They went to their houses.

The next day
Jung hwan couldn't sleep at night . He was crying and looking at the ticket to Australia. He should go to the airport today at 9:00 am. Currently it was 7:00 am. He went to freshen up . And he started to write letter for his friends.

In this side everyone woke up even though it wasn't their school today. They all ate breakfast and started doing their own things. That's when the ball rang.
"Yn, go look who it is" jimin said.
"You go" yn said focusing on what she was doing.
"Oh my god you're so lazy" jimin said and stomped his way to the door.

By the time he came to open the door . The person on the other side of the door , Jung hwan kept the letter and ran away. Jimin opened the door and looked around, no one was there . Then he noticed a letter on the door. He took the letter and went inside.

"THERE'S A LETTER" jimin shouted as soon as he entered the living room where everyone was doing their own thing.
"Huh,a letter?" Hoseok came up to Jimin and took the letter and looked at it. It was in an dark brown envelope with platinum lines.

"That letter is so pretty" taehyung came running . Then everyone sat together to look at the letter. Hoseok started reading it out loud
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