I know

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After the bell rang indicating the class was over , then they all went to their next classes . Like this the school got over .

Namjoon pov
Many things happened today. I'm glad it's all sorted out. We all were going to go to our car . I told my siblings to wait and went to restroom. I went to the bathroom but I heard someone talking inside the bathroom . I just decided to ignore it when I noticed that it was Jung hwan . I wasn't planning overhear him but my curiosity won me when he mentioned something about mafia's.

I leaned onto the door when I heard him talking on the phone. "Yeah. Yeah . I'll be there, this mission will definitely be a success....the gangsters can't defeat us mafia,I know I know . K bye" after hearing this I was shocked and just went to restroom and went back to the car.

I got into the car. Jin noticed my uneasy expression.
"Hey namjoon-ah is everything okay?." Jin asked .
"Yea hyung" I just smiled back at him.

Soon we reached home after all the chaos in the car .
"I DIDN'T STEAL IT I JUST TOOK IT FOR WRITING , DUH" Jungkook shouted and started running all over the house with a raging yn behind him.

Seeing this I smiled at their childishness and went to my room. I sat on my bed and started thinking.
'What is this . Jung hwan is mafia?. Even though it's hard to believe it's true . Not when I heard it clearly.

I know Jung hwan likes yn . We both were talking with each other in the class since we had the same class...that's how I knew he also liked yn. I was really happy knowing that the person my sister liked also liked her back.
But...I think it's good for Jung hwan to leave yn.

I know Jung hwan is going to propose yn in two days. It's so obvious that they will be together , since both of them like each other. I feel like a jerk for doing this but it's the best for yn. She should be safe . Maybe people think I'm overreacting but they're mafias .

Mafia's have enemies and who knows how much they hate them and how much they are willing to defeat them.
I don't want yn to be hurt but I know I'm hurting her internally by taking Jung hwan away from her .

But it's for her good.
I'm sorry Jung hwan, I'm sorry yn

Next day ; author pov
Yn woke up and got freshen up and stormed into hoseok's room and pulled him down he almost fell down.
"Omg what wrong with you!?!" Hoseok shouted still not completely awake from his slumber.
"Because I was bored" yn shrugged and went to her next victim.

Namjoon woke up and remembered he was supposed to tell it to Jung hwan today. He soon got ready and came downstairs.
The siblings gathered . Some awake fully and some not.

"Wake up , don't be a pain in ass" yn told sprinkled a little water on taehyung's face.
"Oh my gosh , can you let me be in peace for once ugh" taehyung told and smacked her shoulder .
"You shit" yn gasped and smacked him back in his back.
"Ok ok stop y'all" yoongi told and made them eat their food.

They went to school. And started attending their classes .

Namjoon pov
I signed and went to the class which was apparently with Jung hwan. I went and sat beside him.
"Sup bro" Jung hwan said as soon as he saw me.
"Sup" I replied back slightly nervous of the next thing I was going to tell.
"What happened , you don't exactly sound good." Jung hwan told worried which made my heart ache.

I have to do this c'mon namjoon. There wasn't many students in class as it was pretty early.
"Jung hwan....I wanna tell you something" I told now facing fully at his direction.
"Oh, what wrong" Jung hwan replied back clearly worried.

"Jung hwan. It's-uh . I know your a mafia"
Heyyyy . It's been a long time without you my friend- ok lol.
I'm sorry to keep y'all waiting but yeah I'll be updating faster from now .
Bye y'all . Have a gReAt day.

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