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"GET YOUR ASS OUT OF YOUR BED" jin yelled from outside yn's room.
"For god sake" yn said in her morning lazy voice and stared at the air because it was really pretty for her. The she woke up and went into the bathroom to get ready. She wore her uniform and went out .
"Bad morning!" Taehyung said smiling brightly.
"Fuck you" yn said and sat in the chair.
"Did you stay up and think about possible ways to make Jung hwan fall for you" hoseok said while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Yeah.." she said gloomily .
"what happened" yoongi asked .
"Well I think Jung hwan doesn't like me .maybe I can make him like me but I'm sure it'll fail" yn said sighing.
"It's okay, he doesn't get well with people usually but you will soon" jimin said rubbing yn's shoulder in a comforting way.
"I hope so"

At school
Yn and jessi was about to enter school but they saw Jung hwan, jessi was kinda mad at Jung hwan for yesterday but yn wasn't.
"Hey Jung hwan!" Yn said smiling to Jung hwan.
"Get lost" Jung hwan told and went inside. Yn was hurt...really hurt.
"What's with him" jessi told and took yn's hand and went inside.
"Maybe he's just in a bad mood" yn said
"Yeah yeah" jessi said sarcastically.
They went inside and sat in their place and Jung hwan was also sitting there.
Yn decided to ask what's wrong "Jung hwan-ah are you in a bad mood , you oka-"
"Be quiet" Jung hwan said
"Oh o-ok" yn said nodding slowly.
"Hey yah don't talk to him now , it's clear he's annoyed" jessi whispered to yn . Jessi was angry at Jung hwan for talking like that.

At cafeteria
Yn and jessi went to the cafeteria ,yn insisted jessi that they go to the cafeteria with Jung hwan or at least go behind him because he seemed off and she really wanted him to be okay.
"Jung hwan-ah are you okay , is everything alright" yn asked

Jung hwan pov
Yn....yn asked me if I was okay when I talked rudely to her from this morning. I hated myself for doing this but I have no choice I have to do this for her, for her safety. I love her and I will never let her be hurt. The more I make her hate the more safe she is. But here I am hurting her and I have no choice.
End of Jung hwan pov

"Yeah" Jung hwan said trying to sound rude but it came out as a whimper.
"Jung hwan-ah it's okay you can tell me-"
"JUST SHUP THE FUCK UP YOU ANNOYING BITCH" Yn was cutted of by Jung hwan shouting. The whole cafeteria looked at them . Jessi was so angry. Yn's brothers saw this scene and went to their place. Yn's heart broke . Her eyes were watery. Jung hwan saw her eyes and was so hurt he wanted to kill himself , he made her cry.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" jungkook yelled at Jung hwan holding his collar tightly.
"Jungkook-ah don't-" yn tried to stop them but jessi hugged her from behind to keep her secure. Jung hwan just stayed like that without responding.
"Why aren't you talking?" Namjoon asked trying not to burst out his anger.
"Go away" Jung hwan said but
"You fucking bastard, HOW DARE YOU CALL HER LIKE THAT" hoseok pushed Jung hwan to ground and punched him.
"She fucking loved you" jimin came and kicked him in his stomach. Jung hwan was shocked he felt like his whole world was destroyed. He hated himself. But he wanted her to hate him more so kicked hoseok and punched Jimin and jungkook.
"You fucking jerk" taehyung punched Jung hwan right in his face.

"Stop please" a weak crying voice said.
Hey guys . I seriously need some brain and How are you .
How was today chapter it was not the best tbh I am not satisfied with any of my work .

Question: how long is your hair
Mine is probably between my chest and mid waist you can say

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