Part 10- There Goes My Arm

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Shanks point of View

I panicked once he threw the smoke bomb. "Smoke screen!" I yelled. Once it cleared, Echo and Luffy were gone.

I looked right and left. "OH NO! I let the guy take them! What are we gonna do?!" Roux looked over. "It's ok. We will find them in no time!"

We started to search through town, splitting up. I was running along the dock when I saw a small boat was a few yards out from the dock. I took off my cape and rolled up my sleeves.

I sprinted towards the dock. I saw Echo was unconscious and the bandit was holding Luffy up, who was thrashing around and screaming curses at him.

I jumped into the water. I still had time. I swam as fast as I could. I saw the small boat stop and the bandit laughed as he threw Luffy and Echo into the water. I swam and watched in horror as a large, reptilian came out of the water behind him.

I saw Echo and Luffy were staring to flail around, Echo had woken up as she was thrown through the air. I saw in the corner of my eye, the Sea King ate the bandit and was swimming towards them, fast.

I was only a few feet from them! I could still get them! I saw the Sea King burst through the water, a giant mouth gaping open. I grabbed both of them just in time and I used my haki.

But I felt my arm being bit off. I didn't react, and the Sea King resurfaced again, and looked at me. I stared it dead in the eyes. "Get lost." I saw the fear in its eyes. I must've looked pissed.

The Sea King submerged again and left. Luffy was crying and Echo was trembling. "It's ok. You can't cry. You are ok. That's all that matters."

Luffy started to tremble. "BUT SHANKS! YOUR ARM! YOUR ARM." I smiled. Echo was too shaken up to say anything. "It's ok Luffy. I've got another one. I'm alright. Now let's get you guys to shore."

Once we got to shore, the crew saw me coming. Echo walked beside me, still trembling from what she just saw. Luffy was crying. As we walked back into town, people stared in horror.

I was dripping with both blood and water,  Echo was trembling and Luffy was crying. I would stare too if I saw that.

As we continued to walk, my vision was starting to blur. I was losing too much blood. I continued walking, and we found my crew. They saw my arm and were concerned. They helped me walk to a doctor while Echo and Luffy stayed in town.

I walked in, and the doctor saw my arm. They immediately grabbed me as I started to faint. My vision was fading in and out. My eyes burned from the seawater. They laid me on a bed and started to wrap bandages around my little stub that was still there.

The Sea King had bitten off more then the elbow, but not the whole arm. I laid in the bed, my sight slowly going dark.

Then I passed out.

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