Chapter 2

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Hey guys before I start I just read over Chapter 1 and im so sorry if it sucked any ways im here with a way better chapter and here it goes.

I walked out the class and headed to 2nd Period. About another 45 minutes of boring. I have math with Mrs.Cay. I walked in and sat in the back because I hate to sit in front or middle that way no one can stare at me. A girl with brown hair and red at the tips down to her waist sat next to me she had brown eyes and was tan. About 10 minutes into class she looked at me and threw something at me I looked down and saw a little pice of paper laying on my desk. I looked at her and she was looking at the front i then look down at the paper and opened it.

'Hey im Jordan, I was wondering since your new if you wanted to sit next to me in lunch?'

I smiled because she was the first person to talk to me well not talk but whatever.

'Uhhh yeah Sure, Im Bethany'

I wrote back and threw it to her desk. She read it and looked at me

"Meet me at my locker it is on the top floor number 213" she said

"Ok" I smiled

"Bethany and Jordan anything you want to share?!" Mrs.Cay said.

"No!" We both said.

"Then be quite!" She said.

"Someone is on there Period" I whispered and Jordan laughed.

*At lunch*

It was finally lunch. I got my lunch and headed to Jordans locker. I got to her locker and she was getting her lunch out and we walked to the lunch room.

"So what brings you here to Cali?" Jordan asked.

"Well I used to live here but my dad got a job transfer to New York plus I got bullied and now we are back in Cali" I said.

"Oh, sorry" she said.

"Why?, it's not your fault" I said.

"I know, but....Never mind" she shook her head.

"Hey Bethany" a voice from behind me said. Jordan looked up and rolled her eyes I turned to see who it was. kian.

"What do you want?!" I said.

"Rude much....You probably shouldn't talk to me like that!" He said.

"And what are you gonna do, Im not going to let it happen again" I said.

"Let what happen?" Jordan said Confused.

"I'll tell you later" I said turning back to her now ignoring Kian. Lunch was finally over and I got up from the table and pushed kian out of the way. Only to be pushes back I ignored him and left the room.

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