"Бедный щенок" *poor pup* Harlow whispered softly to the whimpering dog. For a moment, Harlow debated putting it out of its misery. But, she couldn't. As selfish as it was, Harlow knew killing an innocent dog would rid the last good part of herself she had. There was no way she could risk it.

Harlow quickly moved on trying to ignore the sinking feeling in her gut. She continued in the rain through to the end of the alleyway. The big house at the in the alleyway was her destination.

She pulled open the old door to the ruined house and walked confidently through it. She headed straight to the room where she heard people talking.

"У тебя есть предметы?" *You have the items?* Harlow spoke with authority, her head held high. She had to speak louder and clearer than she usually would due to her mask.

"Они послали ребенка?"*They sent a kid?* The largest man of the three asked with a mocking laugh. He moved to stand protectively in front of the table that had the items on it.

"Предметы!" *The items!* Harlow barked at them. "Есть они у тебя или нет?" *Do you have them or not?* She spat as she waited for a reply.

The three men looked between themselves and the person who was in charge, surprisingly the smallest, nodded. They moved over to the table and revealed the large bag of weapons and bullets.

Harlow moved closer to the bag and confirmed them to be what she was supposed to collect.

"Где деньги?" *Where's the money?* The short man demanded with an outstretched hand.

"Позволь мне получить это." *Let me get it* Harlow muttered and reached her hands into her so called pockets.

In a split second she pulled out two throwing knives and hit two of the men smack bang in the centre of their foreheads. Their bodies fell lifeless to the ground as Harlow swung her leg around and into the leaders head.

The kick to his head gave her just enough time to grab her gun and pull of the safety lock. She lurched forward and pressed the loaded gun to his forehead and stared into his eyes.

"Пожалуйста, не стреляйте!" *Please don't shoot!* The man begged at a cry. His hands immediately sprung into the air as an act of surrender.

"Жалкий." *Pathetic.* Harlow scoffed and wacked his head with her gun, effectively knocking him out.

Harlow continued on with her instructions and tied the man to a chair. She made sure the ropes were tight, so tight they hurt. The ropes were around his arms and ankles attaching him to the chair.

It took Harlow a fair bit of time to tie the man up as he was rather round and heavy. She readied the weapons she was planning on threatening him with and forced him awake.

"Где ты взял оружие?" *Where did you get the weapons?* Harlow questioned as soon as his eyes fluttered open. With her left hand she grabbed a small knife and teased it over his face without cutting him. "Говорить!" *Speak* Harlow roared loudly and pushed her knife into the flesh of his cheek.

The man screamed out and rocked back in his chair. "Я вам скажу! Я вам скажу." *I'll tell you! I'll tell you.* He screeched out from the pain as his begs continued.

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