She blushed hard while moaning. "I love you."

He stopped all his actions and moved his head so he was face to face with her. "I love you too babe." He smiled sweetly.

The two were lying, side by side on the couch, caressing arms from one another.

   But the moment was interrupted when Reese realised something.

   "Stiles." She got up, fast followed by her boyfriend. She knocked on the wall with the five backwards and it sounded hollow. "Do you hear that?"

   Instead of answering, Stiles searched something to break the wall. When the wall was broken they looked at each other. A mix of fear and confusion flow between the two of them.

   They got closer to the hole and saw a bandage face, just like the nogitsune. But this one looked a lot more... dead and silent than the other.

   "It's him." Reese's voice came out barely as a whisper. She reached into its pocket and took out a picture. "We have to get this to Scott." She urged but before she could give it to Stiles and show him that Kira was on the photo, Oliver came behind him and tasered him.

   Whimpering, Stiles fell on the ground, not unconscious but close.

   "You took Brunski's keys." Said innocently Oliver. "I took his stun gun." Then he ran toward Reese and tasered her in the stomach. But instead of taking a step back, he took few closer and leaned himself so he was close to her. "I also got his Haldol." He smiled, once again innocently, injecting the liquid in Reese's thigh. Something was wrong. "Like I was saying Stiles."

   Oliver stand up and walked closer to the Valdove who was panting.

   "I heard they used to do trepanation here."

   "Oliver..." Stiles weak voice echoed. "What are you doing?"

   "I'm going to let the evil spirit out..."

   Then everything went dark.

   During the time Stiles and Oliver who turned out being 'possessed' by the nogitsune, Reese was still unconscious but when she woke up, a smirking Stiles was in front of her.

   "No. No, no, no..." she repeatedly said. "Please let him go. Please."

   Void Stiles titled his head and shushed her. "Hey," he said with a fake caring voice "it's okay."

   It's like this that Void Stiles and Reese, the real one, disappear.

Meanwhile at the clinic, Scott and the rest of the pack went for the Shugendo Scroll. A scroll who has the answer of how to take out the evil spirit of Stiles and Reese.

Scott and Deaton were standing in the middle of the operation room.

"There isn't much here, unfortunately." The elder man sighed sadly, continuing on reading the little piece of paper he had in his hands.

Scott's frown deepened as he hopefully asked, "Does it say anything?"

"My Japanese isn't great." Deaton tried to light the tension with a small smile but that didn't seem to work that well. "But it appears to say that one method of expelling a nogitsune is to change the body of the host."

Confused, Scott repeated, "Change the body?"

The veterinarian nodded and specified, "Which begs the question, 'how do we change Stiles and Reese's body?'"

There was a silent before the Alpha realised, "By turning him into a werewolf. But what about Reese?"

"I..." he went to say but stopped himself when he saw the frown on his son-like face.

"There's only one solution."

After Void Stiles and Reese - but she was more a hostage than with the boy- visited Mr Yukimura, the two were now in Derek's loft, waiting for them to come.

"Why am I even here?" Reese's annoyed voice echoed through the almost empty room.

"You're keeping me company until my little raven came back." He smirked while approaching her.

Reese smirked back and tilted her head. "Well, spoiler alert, she isn't going to come back, little dove."

Void looked at her with amused eyes. "And how do you know that?"

"Because I took care of her myself. Which mean, she's not gonna come back." Taken aback, Stiles took some step back.

"Okay, I admit, you're stronger than you seem but you know you still have a part of me in you and so you can't defeat me."

"I know." She looked down as a single tear rolled down on her cheeks. "But there's one solution." She raised her head and looked right his dark eyes.

Before he could respond, the door flew open and two dads walked in.

   "Hi dad."

Without Warning  ✺  S.S Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum