Bonus (Part 2) (M)

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There will be mention of cross-dressing and boys dressing up as girls in this chapter. If you don't feel comfortable, please skip these bonus chapters. reader discretion his advised.

Also, I don't own any of the pictures in this chapter, I do not own them. I found those pictures on Pinterest.

Han's P.O.V

I was peacefully sleeping when I hear a phone ring. I open my eyes to see who's phone it is. Turns out, it's mine, so answer it without looking at the caller ID.

- Hello, I say, who is this?

- Good mourning Kitten.

I froze. I wasn't expecting my boyfriend to call me this early in the mourning. I look at both sides of me to see my three best friends still sleeping. I slowly get up and walk towards Felix's bathroom. I don't know what my boyfriend is planning, but I don't want to wake the boys up.

- Are you still there, Minho ask me, or did you fall back asleep?

- No, I say, I just didn't want to wake up the other guys, so I went to the bathroom.

- Good kitten, Minho starts, I want to see how you are doing since I don't have you by my side this mourning.

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