4 - Too Many Drinks (M)

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Donghyuck P.O.V

Why did they leave me alone with my drunk boyfriend and a sad and broken baby? Now, Mark thinks that Jisung is literally a baby, so he is singing him a song and trying to get him to sleep. I really should not let him drink except if we are alone in our house since you know, it can get a little hot if you know what I mean. Anyways, I could see Jisung looking at me with a look on his face that means "please help me" and I laugh because my boyfriend was telling me to let him do it. Only if he knew that Jisung is a grown man even though he is Norenmin's child.

- Are you going to stop laughing about Mark treating me like a literal baby and get him off of me, Jisung almost screams, this isn't funny.

- Oh, believe me, I respond, this situation is hilarious.

Jisung glares at me while I laugh. If you could see this, you would also laugh, so what did you think I did? Of course, I took a video of it! I am Lee Donghyuck after all. Also, I need some things to blackmail my boyfriend *smirk*. Anyways, I look back at the two boys and I could see Mark was deep asleep while hugging Jisung. Suddenly, I hear Mark mumble in his sleep:

- My sunshine, he says, I love you so much that I don't want to let go of you.

I started to get jealous since we weren't hugging me, but Jisung. But at the same time, I find him cute, since he always tells his heart out when he's drunk. This basically means I have a whole ass monologue of his love for me. So, I did want a had to do. I walk towards my boyfriend and the younger boy. I took Mark's arm for Jisung's waist and he runs out of my boyfriend's embracement. Soon, I was in Mark's arms and I was feeling much better feeling his warm embracement. I hear Jisung telling me that he was going to sleep, but I wasn't listening to him, since I was more interested in my own boyfriend. He smells so good, maybe he smells even better because it has been some time since we hug each other for a long period of time. Seriously work is fun, but I don't see Mark as often as before and I feel like we miss the time where we could cuddle all day long. Soon, the silence feels the house and all the boys, including me, were fast asleep.

Next-Day – Renjun's P.O.V

My lower back hurts so bad and my butt is sore. But it is worth it since I spend some precious time with my two lovely boyfriends. I could feel Jeno and Jaemin hugging me on each side of me with their hot naked bodies. I could see they didn't want to let me go, but I need to go and take care of our visitors. I need to get out of bed, but at the same time, I don't want to. I see Jaemin moving and groaning.

- Mourning, he says with his mourning voice, how are you feeling this mourning?

- My lower back hurts and my butt is sore, I answer, but I will be fine.

- I will run a bath for you, he responds, in the meantime, I will make breakfast for all of us.

He kisses my lips before getting out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. Now, I still have to deal with my other boyfriend. I could tell that Jeno didn't want to let go of me.

- Babyboy, Jeno suddenly said in his mourning voice, please stay in bed.

- But Jeno, I said, we have visitors. We need to take care of them and Jaemin is running a bath for me at the moment.

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