14 - Plans

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Jisung's P.O.V

We were at the police station waiting for Taeyong Hyung and Jaehyun Hyung. I was nervous to know if they found anything about Chenle's situation. I mean it is not every day you see your crush being held captive by his "girlfriend". I just want to cuddle with him, kiss him and tell him all the feelings I have towards him. I see Changbin and Felix having a fun time playing with each other, even though they only play pick-a-boo. I know they are only a few months old, but I am already shipping them. Suddenly, I see Taeyong and Jaehyun coming towards us. I jump up from my chair and run towards them.

- So, I start, have you found him or a way to get him?

- Calm down Jisung, Taeyong starts, we know that he is located in his house, but hey are a few people guarding the house.

- They are policemen and bodyguards, Jaehyun says, so this is going to be a difficult task.

- What are we going to do then, Donghyuck asks, we can't just let him there with this witch.

- We are actually going to the government right now, Taeyong says, we are going to need their help if we want to get Chenle back.

- Why do we need the government help, Mark asks, is she that dangerous?

- Not necessarily, Jaehyun respond, NingNing is the daughter of one of the biggest companies. They are not doing very well at the moment, but they are still very powerful. Chenle's parents are also going to be there. They were terrified when we said the news to them. They also ask us if Jisung could come with us, and we said yes. It doesn't bother you, does it?

- Of course, it doesn't, I reply, I love Chenle's parents since they are very nice and understanding towards their son.

- We will leave then, Mark says, we will wait for you at home with the Norenmin couple and the twins. Do you want us to keep Changbin with us or you are going to bring him to your meeting?

- I think it's better if Changbin stays with you guy, Taeyong says, it's almost his nap time and I think he will get bored very quickly there.

- I am sure Felix will be happy to spend his nap time with Changbin, Donghyuck says, they have been spending a lot of time together, I can see they are going to be good friends.

- Sure, I respond, I don't want to interrupt this conversation this quickly, but I want to get my baby dolphin back. I have been lacking on cuddles recently and maybe other things, but I will keep them for me for the time being.

- Fine, Mark says will holding Felix, we need to get going anyways if we want the boys to have a nap time.

- We will get going too then, Jaehyun says, the quicker we get to the government, the quicker we can get Chenle out of that horrible place.

- We will see you three later then, Donghyuck ask, and we will talk about the plan we will do to free Chenle?

- Exactly, Taeyong says, see you guys later.

Taeyong and Jaehyun give, each of them, a kiss on Changbin's cheek before we walk out of the police station. I will see you soon my love.

Chenle's P.O.V

I am crying my heart out. I miss Renjun, I miss Shotaro, but I miss Jisung the most. I miss the beautiful and sexy man that use to be living with me. I am still naked since the time Ningning did the dirty to me. I am cold since I am sitting on the floor directly. I didn't saw NingNing since that day. The maids come in and give me my apple and little bottle of water for the day. I don't know if she is busy or she is disgusted by me, but I don't know, I am not a very complaint, except for the fact that's it's getting lonely. I hope the guys are close to getting me out of here. Soon, I hear the door open and see the witch. I could see her smirk on her face. I am wondering why she was here and why she was smirking.

- You must be wondering why I am here and this happy, she says, well you see your friends are going to be coming here soon and I am reserving them a little surprise.

- What are you talking about, I ask, having me here isn't enough for you?

- Absolutely not, she answers, I am not going to give up this easily. I am not going to give you to Jisung, You are mine and only mine.

- Then, what are you reserving them, I ask, you seem very proud of yourself.

- You see, she starts, I am not going to tell you. I want it to be a surprise for everyone. But you are going to be there don't you worry. Now, I will be going. I need to start my plan.

Just like that, she leaves me without knowing what she is planning. I am expecting it to involve her parents. But other than that, I have no clues what she is planning. Only time will tell, I guess.

Jisung's P.O.V

We just arrive at the building of the government. I hope that everything will go well. We enter the building, and they direct us to the meeting room. The person opens the door for us, and I could see Chenle's parents. They run towards me and hug me. I could see tears in their eyes. They must miss their son, like a miss my little dolphin.

- Jisung, Ms. Zhong starts, how are you?

- I am good, I say, but I miss Chenle a lot.

- We miss him too, M. Zhong says, we will work together to find a way to bring him back home.

- That's why we are here today, Taeyong says, we need to have all the backup possible.

- Especially if she has her parents with her, Jaehyun says, she is a psychopath.

- And I am going to yell at you.

We turn around to see M. Bacon- I mean, M. Baekhyun with M. Suho. They are on the solution for getting Chenle back. We will get you back my Babyboy, and yes, I am assuming my love for Chenle, and he is mine.

1094 words


Hello everyone!

Sorry for my two-month absence, my final exams came up and I honestly haven't been the best mindset. I didn't have a lot of motivation lately, but I am feeling a little bit now. So, I may upload a few new chapters until school starts again. It all depends on how I feel that day.

Hope you are feeling better than me. Have a good day/night and Happy new year in advance!!!

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