Chapter Eight

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Moon's Pov
I had one day left here, just one more of a final decision for where I would be spending almost forever. Being in God's land was, well almost like being humans. They had their own problems, own family ones at that. But then together their own emotions. Like some days Apollo just wanted to sleep in bed and not be disturbed by anyone. He could honestly sleep the whole day away. Not even his sister could get him awake for anything.

Hera annoyed me to a whole other level, she was always worried about other peoples business but herself. Zeus well lived up to his large name, in a way I felt like it was already my home. I shifted a couple in the large bed the early sunlight hitting inside the bedroom with ease it suddenly hit my ring lighting it up quickly.

I blinked once then twice before rolling over, shaking Apollo a few times hearing his deep snores his golden hair framed across the pillows in a instant.

"Hey Apollo wake up." I whispered my palms still on his bare shoulders. It was silent for a few minutes before a loose groan left him quietly, I couldn't see his face since he was facing the other direction.

"Just a few more minutes darling... Maybe ten." I held back a quiet chuckle moving to prop my chin slowly on his shoulder whispering to him softly, watching his body exhale more with more slow like breath in and out at a steady pace.

"It's my last day today, is it okay if we go to the waterfall?" I was very hopful watching him slowly turn on his side to gaze at me wide awake all of sudden, his hand cupping at my cheeks slowly nuzzling my nose a couple times.

"Of course, anything for my darling."

The waterfall was enormous in size. The water running down like it could for days. My eyes never leaving each cascade. Apollo was resting on a few of the rocks, allowing me to play and braid at his long hair giving him a long like fish braid humming quietly under my breath a little. The peaceful sounds of the waterfall falling between both our ears.

"So darling? How did you like Olympus? I hope it didn't overwhelm you too much." A quiet little chuckle left me for just a small moment still twisting and braiding his hair carefully.

"I've actually dealt with a lot worse. I adore your sister, Hermes is amazing as well. I feel like I should spend more time with everyone. Hera doesn't quite scare me- but she does say a lot of things." I paused chuckling once I had finished placing my head on his shoulder, seeing him slightly looking at me for just a small moment.

"Which is why I have decided to accept your proposal and stay here with you." Apollo's eyes grew wide suddenly with surprise turning back to stare at me.

"Really you have!" I was startled by his loud voice causing me to laugh gently watching him spin around to face me cup at my face.

"This is so amazing Moon, it's gonna be the biggest wedding on Olympus cause like I never settle down but it will be so freaking amazing! Hera will be so pissed you don't even know." Another soft laugh ended up leaving me pressing our foreheads together pressing a very tender kiss onto his lips.

"Yes silly I'll gladly marry you, but first I would like to talk to my mom if that's okay." I whispered on his lips, feeling his large palm moving to mess with my hair gently hearing his hums in content for a soft second.

"Of course come on I'll take you."

A few short minutes Apollo had us from Olympus right back onto earth in no time in the little town down bellow me and my mom lived in. I smoothed out my dress, staring up in front of the house with soft eyes. I unlocked the door since she never really locked it anyway, looking around the entrance for a moment.

"Mom! Where are you?" I hollered seeing Apollo looked uneasy ducking under the door behind me.

"Maybe I should wait outside-" I yanked him inside quickly before he could making him stumble, he shot me a quick glare with a small chuckle. I heard some shuffling around before I saw her coming from the kitchen looking like she always did, happy.

"Moon! Oh my goodness where have you been sweetie had me so worried those poor boys did something to you." A small yelp left me feeling her monster grip hug on me, I laughed weakly squeezing me. I returned the hug with a soft chuckle.

"Hi mom, I'm sorry about that... Kinda got swept off my feet, literally mom... I wanted to tell you that I found someone that has been well making me happy, he's also kinda dumb." I felt Apollo roughly yank me towards him causing me to laugh quietly gently hugging his waist. My mom's eyes went wide in awe.

"Well I never thought I would be alive to see one of the Greek gods in real person. Apollo? Moon a god has fallen in love with you? You aren't with child are you!?" She laughed at me gently my brown cheeks grew with heat.

"Of course not mom." I exclaimed.

"Not yet ow!" I roughly smacked at his chest quickly making him hush up gently. She studied the both of us before she smiled gently.

"You wanna live with him don't you sweetie? I can see it in your eyes that you want to." I smiled more nodding gently a few times.

"I would like to yes... Of course I'll always come visit mom." She pouted moving towards me again grabbing at my hands slowly.

"I want you to do something that will make you happy... I know staying here never really made you happy... I support it, and you!" Apollo jumped slightly almost hitting his head in the process, he gave her soft like eyes.

"Take care of my daughter if I hear you hurt her, or didn't change your whorish ways. I'll kill you myself." I watched him visually gulp laughing nervously.

"I promise to take very good care of her, you have my absolute word." He flashed her a soft smile rubbing at my back a few times.

"I care about Moon, more than I have with anyone."

Made From The Sun (Apollo Blood Of Zeus) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ