Interupting Thoughts

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Warning: inappropriate mentions


-Drew's POV-
'Holy shit.'

Wtf is this position right now?! Why is he fucking holding me like this?! And giving me that adorable ass face?! It's like he's enjoying this or something??

I could only imagine how red my face is. Does this dummy seriously not get it?!

'I'm in love with you asshole! Can't you see?!'

Oh the urge to scream that right now is getting really tempting.. but that would be ridiculous. He'd for sure never talk to me again. He'd probably run off with those freaks and leave me behind. For good.

And I definitely don't want that.

"Umm.." is all I could muster out of my pink face.

He's so hot. And handsome. I almost wish we could stay like this.... and make out, too. Duh. If there was no one around, I might just do it too. Just to see his reaction. And feel his perfect lips against mine.

Shit. I hate this feeling. Definitely nothing I've ever felt with Zoey before. God I really need to break up with her.. shes such a bitch. But right now, the bitchiest bitch is Hailey.

I know she likes him too..

And I know Jake would prefer her over me..

When will this nightmare en-

My face tensed up. How long have I been lost in thought for?

"Are you okay? All you've said was umm." He put one of his hands on my cheek and cupped it, tilting his head slightly. "And your heating up.. Was it something I said..?"

'It was everything you said jackass!'
"Uh no, I guess I just lost myself for a bit there, heh." I grabbed his hand and lowered it from my face and tried laughing it off. But we all know I'm never forgetting this moment.

"Oh, okay then. Well... are you comfortable with telling me what's been going on?" He persisted.

I was questioning on what I should say. I can't tell him I love him, he'd run away and think I'm gross. Maybe I could tell him half of my problem..

"Well.." I politely pushed him off me. "It's my parents."

"Your parents?" -Jake

I looked down and nodded. "They've never been around sense the day I could walk. I feel like they hate me. I feel alone all the time! All they do is go on pointless vacations instead of spending time with me!" At this point my eyes were a little watery and I sniffled.

Jakes expression saddened as he tilted my face up from the floor. I didn't want him to look at me in this state. It was embarrassing. So I hugged him. Quite aggressively too. He was surprised at first but hugged me back after a second.

It felt so nice to be close to him. I really can't imagine what my life will be like when he leaves me. I say it like this because I know he's gonna pick those music kids over me eventually. It just takes time. So I might as well enjoy what I have now..

"And then there's you." I sniffled.

"Me..?" He replied, confusingly.

"Never mind." I said, slowly drifting away from our hug.

I looked up at the tall man in front of me and wished so bad he could just be mine. But he likes Hailey and Hailey likes him.

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