Getting There

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Saturday; The day of the concert; 2:31pm
-Drew's POV-

I've been waiting all day! When does this fricken thing start? I just wanna hangout with Jake already.
Lying in bed, going through TikTok, is really getting boring.

Until I realized I'm still in pajamas and under my covers. I got out of bed and jumped into the shower. Scrubbing my hair and cleaning my body until I don't smell bad anymore.

I left the bathroom in only a towel around my waist and went to look for a good outfit for today. But-
What exactly do you where to a concert that your best friend is in? Not just any best friend, but the one you don't exactly know how to feel towards.

Should I wear something proper or something chill?
Honestly, my conscious wouldn't allow me to feel comfortable in something chill. So formal it is. I put on one of my classic blue button ups with a black
t-shirt over it and a black tie. Some black jeans and my old sneakers and I'll look just fine.

I know how much Jake doesn't want to be seen with me, so I'll go easy on him..

Don't want him to hate me anymore than he already does, heh.


The concert starts at 7 but Jake said I should pick him up at 5:30. That way we get there around 6, so he and his freak friends can practice. I should probably leave now so I don't make him late.

I walked out my front door and got in my car. I had my driver's license and everything so don't think I'm uneducated in this stuff. Anyway. I drove to jakes house, and by that time it was 5:26.

I parked my car in front of his house and texted him that I was here. He just said he'll be out in a minute so I chilled in my car and listened to the radio for a little bit.

Until he literally jumped into the car, and scarred me half to death.

"What's up man!" Jake said with one of his annoyingly cute smiles.

"Nothing." I said, also smiling a little as I looked over at him.

"All right well the concerts at EP high. You know where that is right?" -Jake

"Yeah I know" I pulled my car into drive and started to go off.

Few seconds passed until he made small talk

"So are you excited? I am! Also wicked nervous though." -Jake

"Yeah I'm excited. I'm only really coming for you though, so you better be fucking amazing" 'I already know he's gonna be great.' -Me

"Trust me dude. I'm gonna be the best fricken singer there, you just wait!" -Jake


We just really caught up the entire ride.

It was amazing finally being able to talk to him. Never felt more happy. He's so dumb and stupid, but so cute and kind~ I really don't deserve anything he's done for me...

"Here we are!... ooooh just park over there!" Jake said pointing to an empty parking spot not to far from the back entrance doors.

I parked my car and looked around a little for my phone and keys. As I was scrambling I heard Jake open and close the passenger door as he left.

'Jerk. Did he just leave me behind?'
'' means thinking btw

I found my phone in the crack of my seat and my keys were in my pocket. Just as I was putting my phone in my other pocket, my door opened.

Hard to Control |[Drake]|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz