171 : Little sea beasts

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The little dolphin who was questioned made a clear and sweet dolphin sound at her, smiling very cutely.

After listening to it, Wen Qiao realized that these sea beasts were members of the sea beast family where the little dolphins belonged. Recently, because the little dolphins have not returned, they came to look for the little dolphins.

Just now the little dolphins encountered them when they were looking for spirit grass in the sea, so they brought them to look for her.

Why did you bring them here to find Wen Qiao? Of course, I brought my partner over to find her to change the spirit pill.

Wen Qiao glanced at the two Tier 8 seals and killer whales, and said, "According to the rules, you have to exchange things with me for spirit pills, and you need something useful that I think can be exchanged."

This Tier 8 killer whale is also a juvenile sea beast, and has a fierce and domineering temperament. Upon hearing this, he turned his face and sprayed several water arrows at Wen Qiao, trying to frighten her with force and knock her down from above to snatched her spirit pill.

Why should I exchange the ones that can be used? Hand over them all!

Wen Tutu suddenly became angry. Even if the monster doesn't like to follow the rules set by human beings, why does it think it can get something for nothing? If it fights, it won't lose to other Tier 8 monsters.

Wen Tutu swallowed a water pill, jumped off the flying sword, formed a ball of hair, and slammed it at the killer whale.

The killer whale was unprepared and sank into the sea by a ball of hair.

Wen Tutu was trying to use it to frighten other sea beasts, where would he let it go, and immediately dived into the water, biting the killer whale's tail with one bite, and the sharp front teeth bit the killer whale's skin, and the blood of the killer whale was mixed in the sea water.

The killer whale struggled violently in the water, trying to throw away the rabbit holding its tail.

But if the rabbit that has swallowed the water-preventing pill is magically assisted, it is equally flexible in the water, biting and grasping, with its petite and flexible body, it just bullies the killer whale to the point of losing its temper.

The killer whale made a sound wave, summoned nearby sea beasts to help, and decided to kill the land rabbit together.

The other sea beasts who followed the little dolphin saw that the killer whale was fighting with Wen Tutu, and they didn't mean to help at all.

These sea beasts, like the little dolphins, looked innocent and innocent and very easy to fool.

Wen Qiao glanced at the underwater battle, and found that Wen Tutu did not suffer, so she ignored it and continued to communicate with these sea beasts.

In order to let these sea beasts understand what can be exchanged, Wen Qiao took out some spirit grass and placed it in front of them.

"These spirit grasses can be exchanged for spirit pills." Wen Qiao said, "Of course, not only spirit grasses, but also some subterranean spirit medicines and usable things, as long as I see them and I think they can be used, they can be exchanged. ."

The eighth-order seal vomited what it had brought out of its mouth and pushed it in front of Wen Qiao.

Although Wen Qiao is not used to monster beasts always vomiting out of their mouths when they take things, they can't be too demanding. After all, monsters don't use storage bags. When they hide things, they usually hide things in their stomachs. The space is spit out from the mouth when needed.

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