"Yeah boss, who was he?" McGee asked.

"That was Felix Gibeon, he's your uncle." Gibbs says picking up Kelly.

"Oh great...it's time we get passed off to go live with him now..." Kate exclaimed under her breath, before anxiously tapping her fingers on Gibbs' desk.

"But I like living at Mr Gibbs' house." Kelly said, hugging Gibbs' neck. "It's like camping all the time and he's got a boat in his basement!"

Gibbs smiled.

"But boss, why didn't they go to live with him when Sergeant Gibeon was killed?"

"I can't take this anymore!" Kate bolted from Gibbs' chair with tears streaming down her face as she ran up the stairs.

Gibbs turned to look at Jack.

"I know, go. Kelly and I will wait for you guys here." Jack said as she put her hand on Gibbs shoulder.

"Okay." Gibbs answered, passing Kelly over to her open arms, before he ran up the stairs after Kate.


Gibbs opened the roof door and walked around the air conditioner vent and past the skylights to the two lawn chairs set up on the far side of the navy yard roof. "You cold up here?"

Without looking at him, Kate sniffed. "No, I'm fine."

"Okay." Gibbs says, sitting down on the lawn chair next to her.

"It was weird ya know, nobody could find Felix nobody, uncle Jesse said that something happened between them, my dad and him. I'm glad we had uncle Jesse, I don't know what would have happened if we didn't have him, ya know." Kate sniffed, wiping her face with her dad's old hoodie.

Gibbs puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder "Yeah I do, it was good you had him." He said.

"I- Gibbs this is gonna sound so dumb..."

"No it's not, you can tell me anything ya know."

"I'm ugh.. scared, I mean what's he even like? I haven't seen my dad's brother since I was seven, what if... what if he doesn't like me and Kelly? And what are we gonna do if he doesn't?"

"Well he's here to see you and Kelly, so I don't think that's true." Gibbs smiled gently.

Kate looked up at him as she stood up and smiled back at Gibbs, slightly. "You sure?"

"At least not yet." He teased her.

"Hey..." Kate chuckled as they started walking back inside. "Can Kelly and I visit you and Jack sometimes?"

"You better." Gibbs smiled.

"Good, because I'm gonna miss you guys." Kate says hugging Gibbs.


"And there's that quarter, it was behind your ear!!" Felix asked, pulling one from behind Kelly's ear.

"What?! How did you do that!!" Kelly asked eagerly, clapping.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." He smiled, winking his right eye at her.

"Do another one! Do another one!! Please." Kelly asked, giving him puppy-dog eyes.

"Well all right, one more." Felix gives in. "Now watch the coin." He says as he puts the quarter in his left hand and closes his fist around it then he waives his right hand over it and says. "Abracadabra!" He opens his hand and the coin is gone again.

"Jack, did you see that? The quarter's gone!!" Kelly asked, looking at her.

"Yes I did sweetie, that's pretty cool." Jack said, then Jack saw Gibbs and Kate walking toward the bullpen.

Kate walked over to her sister and Felix and she looked at him, quietly saying. "Hi." As she thrust her hands in the pocket of her dad's dark blue Marine Corps hoodie.

"Hi kid, long time no see, I guess that was your dad's?" He gestured to the hoodie.

"Yeah, it was his favorite." She said, pulling on one of the hoodie's strings.

Gibbs stopped outside the bullpen and stood behind Jack. He reached around her back and touched her hand with his hand.

"I think they're gonna be okay." Jack whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'll miss them though."

"Yeah, me too." Gibbs smiled, putting his head on her's. "Where's my older kids?"

Jack smiled "Well Nick is with Ellie, they went to the break room and Tim is talking with petty officer Rightly and her JAG."

"Okay." Gibbs raises an eyebrow as he watches Felix with the girls.

"Just so you know Felix seems nice."

"I didn't say anything.." Gibbs says looking into her eyes.

"Yeah I know." She smiles.

Felix walked over to them with Kate and Kelly following him. "Hey again agent Gibbs and agent Sloane."

"You can call me Jack." She said, shaking his outstretched hand.

"Okay." He smiled. "Is there anything I need to sign? I was thinking the girls and I could go ahead and get going."

"Uh yeah." Gibbs said, walking past Felix to his desk and put a couple pieces of paper on a clipboard and walked back over to the group. "Sign here." He pointed to the bottom line.

"Okay agent Gibbs." He replied, taking the clipboard. "Well there's that. You guys ready to go?" Felix replied as he finished his signature.

"I guess so, can we visit Jack and Mr Gibbs sometime?" Kelly asked, hugging Gibbs' leg.

"Uh yeah sure, but I live in Florida and I guess so do you now" Felix says. "Well we should get going, we have to catch a flight to Miami."

"But we still have our stuff at Gibbs house." Kate said.

"I can take Kate and Kelly back so they can pack up." Gibbs shrugs.

"And can you have them at Reagan Washington airport in about an hour?"

"I think so, is that okay with you girls?" Gibbs asked, turning to Kate and Kelly.

Kate looked at her little sister and Kelly nodded.

"Yeah I think that works."

"Okay, come on." Gibbs smiled, picking up Kelly, walking to the elevator.

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