Last Chance

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Onika's P

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Onika's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe little precious baby boy was a officially a year old! Finding out I was pregnant with him was the best day of my life. But what happened to his father only three months after our sweet baby boy was born tore my heart into pieces...

My husband and I had gotten into a heated argument. So, he  decided to go for a ride. Sometimes it's a good thing to leave a hostile situation until you've had time to cool off. But neither of us knew that him leaving was the biggest mistake he had ever made.

Minutes after I put our infant to sleep, the police were knocking on my door...

They had got our address from my husband's driver's license. He didn't have a code to his phone so they saw my phone number listed under "Wifey". They had been trying to contact me but my phone was on do not disturb. So, they came to the house to inform me that my husband was in a terrible car accident.

"Were sorry, ma'am...but your husband didn't make it", they said.

I let out a scream that was probably heard all over my neighborhood. I collapsed into the female officer's arms. It was the most devastating day of my life. My husband and I didn't have a perfect marriage. But I still loved him and never thought I would have to bury him at the age of 35! And even worse, I never thought my son would have to grow up without his daddy...

Luckily, after my husband died, my wealthy cousin, Dwayne allowed us to come and live with him. He had more than enough room for my baby boy and I. Plus, he traveled a lot and wanted someone there to watch the place anyway.

I missed my husband and was grieving terribly. I felt so many emotions. Guilt, anger, sadness, and even confusion took over me. Why would God bless me with a beautiful baby boy and then take his daddy, my loving husband, away? That was the question I kept asking.

Nevertheless, I had to be strong for my son. I had to come through for him. And on his first birthday, that's exactly what I did! In the midst of my grief, I still made sure my Pop Pop had the best first birthday party ever!

"Onika, I'm so proud of you", my homegirl Normani said.

"Thanks, babe. I'm glad you were here to help as always. Don't know what I'd do without you", I said.

"Oh! I hope you don't mind but I invited my homegirl Beyonce and her little boy to the party", she said.

"Oh, no! That's totally fine. Is that them over there?", I asked.

"Yeah. Let me introduce you to her and her son, Sir", Normani said.

When Normani introduced me to Beyonce and her 4 year old son I couldn't help but smile. Her spirit was very genuine and pure. And her son was the cutest little thing! Very well mannered but a little bashful. She allowed me to introduce him to some of the other kids to help him come out of his shell.

Beautiful Beynika (One Shots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt