Chapter 16

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I woke up without Nayeon inside our dorm hm I guess she woke up early. I stand up and made my breakfast and lunch for later.

I ate my breakfast then I took a shower, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and changed into my uniform. Then I went out and go to school.

I was now at my classroom and saw all Twice and ITZY are there. I waved at them and they waved back except Nayeon who was focuse on her phone. I went to my seat and class started.

Time skip

It is now lunch time I decided to seat with ITZY for today so I can talk to them. "So uhm Ryujin-" I got cutted by Ryujin "what?". "Can I borrow 3 bucks so I can buy Nayeon flowers, I forgot my wallet" I said and she gave me 5 bucks and I thanked her.

Nayeon's POV

I cant believe she didnt sit with us. "HEY BUNNY" I heard Jeongyeon yell. "What?" I asked and she said "what are you thinking of?". "Oh I was thinking of breaking up with Y/N" I said and there eyes are all wide.

"What?! Why?!" Jihyo asked. "Because I think she's cheating on me" I said. "You cant do that you'll break her heart" Sana said.

"Well I dont care what you say" I said and walked away.

Time skip

Finally its the end of school for today. I quickly bought some flowers and started looking for Nayeon. But then....she's the one who found me. "Hey can I talk to you" we both said at the same time.

"Oh you can go first" I said and she took a deep breath and said "We need to break up". "W-what why?" I asked trying not to cry. "Because I know your cheating on me" she said and walked away.

I was in the middle of the school so every singel person saw it. I dropped the flower and ran out of the school. A few minutes of crying later I decided to sleep at my parents house.

I was about ring the door bell but then my mom opened the door. "Oh hi Y/N what are you doing here?" She asked. "Im gonna move back here" I said and she smiled.

"I can go get my clothes tomorrow" I said and walked inside. I greeted my dad and went to my room and locked the door.

I cried again and went to my dreamland.

So yeah... dont worry this is not the ending lol

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