"Says the girl with the Prada bag in her hands," he laughed ironically, that laugh was like a trigger that made my blood boil instantly... he never acts that way.

"It was a gift, why do you even care?" I raised my voice.

"You see? Expensive gifts don't bother you... you just won't use your money," he shook his head with a light sarcastic laugh.

"I'm sorry for having a rich father who's always sending me expensive gifts," I tried to walk out again but he wouldn't let me, "Let me leave, I have to work,"

"So your dad sends you expensive gifts that you don't like?" He rolled his eyes, "Very convenient that you've never told him,"

"I understand that you're extra and you enjoy expensive cars and luxury lifestyle, but that's not me," I let my stuff on top of the bed, "Why are you trying to make me look like I'm stingy? Just because I'm not a materialistic person?"

"You have a Ferrari in London which you didn't buy, don't tell me you don't like expensive cars, please stop lying to yourself and accept that you don't like to use your own money," he raised his voice, making me lose it.

"Why the fuck do you even care?" I screamed, and like every single time, water works started, "You don't complain when I give you expensive gifts either,"

"I care because I'm not going to have your dad pay for my living," he screamed back, "I have money, and you do too,"

"Fine, I'll pay for those bills, apparently you're the one who's concerned about money," he shut the door loudly.

"I want to pay, this is what this fucking fight's about," he sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hands through his hair in desperation.

"Fine, pay for your half if you want to, but please, tell me why the fuck does it upset you that my father pays for my half? Does that make me less special to you, or what?"

"It doesn't upset me, I just don't understand," he huffed, "Why would you want your money rotting in your bank account?"

"Because there's nothing I need to spend it on, I get it, you help your mom with the bills, well my dad is doing just fine, and my step father is also rich so I don't need to give my family money,"

"Oh, now I see it, everyone around you is so rich, that you just let them spend their money on you while you build a fortune," that's it, he crossed the line and I was not having it.

"You always say that's what you love about me... the fact that I don't give a shit about money and fortune... and here you are, accusing me of being a fucking gold digger, I'm done with this," I walked out on him and just left the apartment, no phone, no keys, no bag... I wasn't going to stay to hear him ramble about how stingy and messed up he thinks I am, he was being disrespectful, it was completely wrong.

When Alan saw I was crying, he didn't say anything, he just opened the door for me and drove me to the office in silence, it took me a while to calm myself down, but I stopped crying in time, it wouldn't be cool to show up crying to rehearsal, specially with all the documentary cameras around... I didn't need the movie to be a reality show.

Singing and dancing did help me a lot to keep my mind distracted, of course I wasn't able to deliver my best at rehearsal but it was enough. Wardrobe fitting was fast, I just had to try on a dress to see if it looked good.

I didn't really want to go home, but Harry was supposed to be at the studio recording back vocals for their tour, maybe I could hurry and go to bed before he got home... I wasn't in the mood to keep fighting... specially not if he was okay with attacking me.

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