Hellos and Goodbyes

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shadow = your superhero name

wandas POV

They were falling all day but this time they were happy. They were good tears, ones that came when I realised I had something to fight for. I ran out the compound and down narrow streets towards my car. There should have been music playing, it was the part of the film where the main character cracked a case or realised they loved someone. I was running so fast my face stung from the wind and I was panting like a dog. It was cold and dark as I got into my red Buick Verano and punched the accelerator. I couldn't hear anything but the beating of my own heart and my heaving breaths. I smiled, ever since here death I felt truly happy. I wasn't just putting on a smile to put Tony or Steves mind at rest. I was actually happy. I sat in silence driving. There were two destinations in mind and I wasn't sure which one I was driving to but soon I knew. my heart sank as I realised I would have to face him again. It made me angry I was scared. What did I have to be scared about? I got out of my car and walked through the glass double doors and I made a beeline for the front desk. 

"Hi, S.W.O.R.D headquarters, how can I help you?" A woman with a warm smile stared up at me but I could see a glint of fear behind her hazel eyes. I cringed at the fact I scared people. 

"You know why I'm here. I don't want to stir up trouble... but I need her back." I stood my ground and stared her dead in the eye until she looked down

"I will call the Director see if he knows what you're talking about and if he can help you." I smiled down at her as she dialled a number and placed the phone call. "I'm sorry m'am we can't help you." My smile dropped from my lips and I stared her down.

"P-please when they left, and I looked at her grave... She was gone, her b-body was gone, and I know she's here" I smiled but Fresh tears were already slipping from my cheeks, we were back to our old regime. Even I didn't seem convinced by this fake happy act.

"I'm really sorry m'am I cant let you in." She really seemed to pity me. She seemed genuinely sorry for my losses.

"I'll wait here then." I stood waiting by her desk until her phone rang. She smiled briefly up at me and then answered the call.

"Yeah... Uhuh she's still here... Ok sir... Will do." She put down the phone "Down the hall, first door to your left." I walked away "Wait I need to buzz you in."

"I got it." I said as I blasted the doors with red energy and they swung inwards. I walked down the corridor and turned to the first door on my left. It was unlocked so I entered.

"Ah Wanda Maximoff, pleasure to see you again." Director Hayward turned and smiled at me.

"Where is she?" I asked, not taking any of his 'nice to see you again' bullshit. 

"Wanda I told you, we have legal custody over the Shadows body. She is needed here Wanda."

"I NEED HER!" I half yelled "She deserves to rest in peace. 

"Wanda I know it's hard but I can't give her to you, I won't."

"Do you have a wife or a husband Hayward? Because I can tell you when you lose them I will take them and I will 'run tests' on them, and I will tell you it's for good, it's because they will help other people and they are needed with me. You won't get them back, unless you give her to me."

"Wanda come with me." I followed him as he walked through a door at the back of his office. We stood in a box like the ones at football stadiums that look over the pitch. I looked through the glass and saw a bunch of Doctors working on something. 

"Why are you showing me this?" 

"because you asked to see it." I turned towards the doctors again, one of them shuffled away and I saw her body. Her eyes had been opened again, even after I had carefully closed them for her. They were so wide it looked like she was alive again and she was scared. she looked like she had when we had been back at H.Y.D.R.A.

"S-stop, stop it, what are you doing to her?" I stayed staring at Y/n, a tear slipping down my pink cheeks. 

"We are running tests Wanda we told you."

"No. Let her go! She's all I have." I whispered so quietly I was surprised when he replied

"But thats just it Wanda, she's not yours." That was it that was the straw that broke the camels back. I broke the glass and flew down to Y/ns body. I could feel sniper rifles on me from every angle but I also heard Hayward telling them to stand down. I walked slowly around the table towards Y/n, now that I was closer I could see her eyes were still glazed over and that tiny bit of hope I had had that we actually would be able to 'grow old together' in Westview died. I placed my hand over her head and shut my eyes I used my magic to search through her mind but I just came up with a white space. The warmth that normally bubbled up inside her was no longer there and I couldn't feel her anymore.

"I can't feel you... I can't feel you." I withdrew my hand tears slowly sliding down my face and I walked out of the room. I walked back through the hall and out towards the exit but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to be met with the face from the front desk.

"I'm sorry for your loss, I really am." I smiled through my tears gave her a small nod. 

"Thank you." I whispered as I walked away. I got into my car and gripped the steering wheel I rocked back and fourth trying to prevent the panic attack and once my head stopped spinning I reached a hand up to my face and it came away dry. this was the first time in ages, but yet even though I wasn't crying I dint feel okay again. I glanced over to the little black box on the passengers side and I picked it up taking a quick look at the address inside and I turned on the engine and drove away from S.W.O.R.D headquarters. I drove away from her.

Two hours. I drove for two hours. Zero accidents. I was surprised I hadn't swerved into a car or driven off the road. I wasn't focusing properly my vision was unfocused and I was seeing double. I pulled over. I gripped the wheel. I yelled.

"FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU LIFE!" I slammed myself back and forth, my face turning red. I rolled down my window stuck my middle fingers out the window and yelled at passing cars "LIFE SUCKS YOU MIGHT ASWELL SWERVE NOW! FUCK YOU! IT ALL SUCKS! I WANT Y/N BACK!" I watched as people laughed or swore back. I smiled at some shocked faces and looked away at some hard stares.

Once I had driven off the motorway I looked out the window as I drove. It was perfect, everything about this small town was perfect. The people, the shops, the nosiness. I drove down streets with smiling children and laughing adults, gazing with love at their child. I drove to the property deed she had made for us and I grabbed the slip of paper. I climbed out of the car and headed over to the empty block of land. only the foundations lay there, as if the project had been abandoned years ago. I walked slowly towards the centre of the unfinished building. A single tear slipped from my eye. I felt my knees give out and I fell to the floor and I dropped the slip of paper from my y/n. I wept silently and then let out a guttural cry, loud enough fro heads to turn but I didn't notice as my eyes rolled back in my head and I passed out.

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