Different plan

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Dreading going to college and still I have to be there for the project we will be assigned for today. Yes, we have to work on a project, and yes I hate everything about it.

Why do I hate it? Because Chuck is in my class and my gut says he will be my project partner. I will most definitely kill myself if that happened. Milo will kill Chuck as well. Thinking about Milo made me realize that I will have to face him. I will have to talk to him.

I am not looking forward to that.

"Can I just kill myself already?" I asked Avery sitting in her car and almost stuffing my mouth with a sock or something.

"No, you have to get more embarrassed right now." I just looked at her with narrow eyes and she chuckled at me. "You are thinking way too much about it. You have already told Milo and he has agreed now what is the issue?" Avery continued with a hint of a laugh in her voice.

"The issue? Seriously? Do you not remember Chuck?" I said with an irritated voice. I am losing my shit here and Avery doesn't even remember. And what If Milo and Chuck got into a fight on something.

Grow up Rose, Milo is not gonna fight some random dude


Milo fought some random dude. No! It was not Chuck.

"I will break your neck if you touch her again." Milo screamed in my ear as I tried to hold him back as some guys were picking up the other dude. His nose was bleeding and he was struggling to get up. I tried dragging Milo away from all the crowd but he wasn't bulging. "Milo, comeon the guy is not worth it. We should really get away from all the croud before someone complaints." I whispered in his ear and grabbed his biceps. This had some kind of effect on him as he quietly looked at me, grabbed my hand, and walked away.

We are now inside the building and Milo is still holding on to my hand softly. His large hands totally submerged my small ones. he took me inside an empty classroom which this college has a lot of.

As soon as I stepped inside the classroom he grabbed me and hugged me tightly. I tried pushing his a little so I could at least have the room to breathe but he grabbed my waist even tighter. "I would have killed that guy today." He whispered on my neck as my body started tingling all over. "Milo, let me go please."

"No" As simple as that no was it made me feel angry. I pushed him lightly and looked at him with narrow eyes. "I don't need your protection. I can take care of myself." I was angry.

"You are my friend remember? You are not my boyfriend." I told him the statement didn't make much of a difference to him because my palms were still placed on his chest and his hands were tightly wrapped around my waist.

"Yet." He said. "Not your boyfriend yet." He repeated. Oh my god. The confidence this guy has is somehow infuriating me.

"Not my boyfriend. Period." I said in a slow yet scary voice.

"That was a slow and sexy voice."

What the?

"I told you I want to be friends and if I remember, you agreed." I said trying to push him off me but I was failing miserably.

"And I told you don't forget that you are mine." Milo said as he grabbed my neck and pulled my face towards him. For a moment I thought he was gonna kiss me but he touched our forehead and exhaled right on m lips. His breath was minty and just the mere hotness aroused me to my very core. "There are some things that I just can't let go alright? The guy touched you in a wrong way I would have ripped his throat apart." Milo looked at me with so much intensity I felt like I will melt away or something.

I didn't say anything instead I tried to leave the empty class room but he grabbed my face tighter and made m look at him. I was fuming with anger and I was wet with arousal. He started leaning in and he was about to kiss me.
"Well guess what? You are just a friend so stop behaving like you are my boyfriend or something."

Milo opened his blue eyes and looked at me with his mouth ajar. I slipped out of his grip and flipped my hair on his face and stepped out of the classroom while he probably looked at me with a painful expression.

Not happening so fast.

Not so fast.

I ran out the classroom and straight towards my best friend who was waiting for me out side the university and into her car. I sat down and blurted everything out on her. How the whole day I was kind of ignoring Milo and how everything went off track when that stupid jerk face Teddy started flirting with me. He came really close and grabbed my waist until Milo punched the guy in the face. For some reason all of this was really amusing to Avery.

I had to calm Avery because this girl kept laughing like a crazy lady. I told her all about what I did to Milo today and how I have been ignoring him the whole day. "Can you stop?"
"Why are you frustrated though? I thought that's what you wanted?" She asked me looking at me with a serious expression now.
"I wanted to make him suffer just a little but hut I don't think I am enjoying this. He thinks I am ignoring him I want to do something that would just make him go crazy."

Something within Avery lit up and she came forward to whisper something in my ear.
"I can't do that." I screamed and blushed at the same moment.
"Don't tell me you are not dying to do all that stuff." Avery said looking at me with mischievous eyes.

I but my bottom lip in anticipation. I do want to make his suffer just a little bit. To be honest, this is the best way to do that without hurting Milo's feelings. I think it's time for a different plan.

So (awkward silence)

I guess I will meet you guys in the next chapter😂


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