I love you

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"What?" I backed up as I stood at my place followed by Milo. He was standing way too close to me. So much, that I could practically feel his hot breath on my face.

"I said. You. Are. Mine. Rosy." He said as he grabbed me by waist and smashed our bodies together.
"I am not an object." I said as I tried pushing him off but he is way too strong. My plans are pressed on his hard chest and I could feel his heart beating under me. My boobs are totally pressed onto his chest and my legs feel like jelly.

What happened to him all of a sudden? What are we in this position. I need to get out of here. I can't breathe. I kept trying to push him but he wasn't bulging. He was just staring at me with a foreign expression.

Here I am, almost on the verge of blacking out and he was staring at me like he wanted to eat me or something.

"Milo let me go please." I said as I kept pushing.
"Why?" He whispered in a tone that made me stop and look at him.
"Please don't go." He said to me as his eyes started to water again.

"Why not?" I asked getting frustrated for an unknown reason.
"Because I don't want you to leave." He said as he brought me closer.
"Yeah and you wanted me away just hours ago. Well guess what I will be away. Now let me go this instant" I don't know what got into me. I don't know why but I wanted yo get away from him.
I was angry. I was frustrated more so, I was hurt and broken. All this time he was thinking I am in love with Cayden and I know that was the reason he started tormenting me in the first place.
"Please Rosy let me-"
"NO! I don't want to hear anything just let me go Milo. Let me go and don't just, just don't talk to me, just let me go, why won't you let me go, just let me-"
"Because I love you!" He screamed/whispered.

"AND I LOVED YOU!" I screamed. I screamed on his face as my lips were shaking.
"Loved?" He asked before loosing he tight grip on my waist.
"Rosy please, just let me explain." Milo begged but right now al I wanted was to get out this room so that I could breathe.
"Explain what? That you were so shallow that you thought I was in love with Cayden and your little ego got so hurt that you started bullying me? tormenting me? insulting me?" I screamed at his face again. This is not some new found confidence. This is the anxiety I was building up for years.
"For 8 years Milo. I cried myself to sleep for 8 year-" I sucked in a breath as tears finally started to roll down my eyes. Within seconds I was full on crying trying to hold my breath.
Milo tried to hug me but I pushed myself away from him. I stood in front of him with my arms wrapped around me and him standing in front of me with the saddest look I have ever seen.

"Please just. Let me. Let me go. I need to. I need to breathe." I said as I backed up from him.


"NO!" I said and stormed out of the class.

I left Milo standing in the empty classroom and ran. I ran until my feet were about to fall off. Tears were constantly streaming out of my eyes.

I don't where I am going. Where are my feet taking me but I kept on running. Soon I was out of the university and on the road.
My feet were about to give out but soon they slowed down in front of a house.
A don't know why and how I came here but here I am.
I stood in front of the huge wooden doors and ringed the doorbell. I don't know why I am here but this is where I might get some answers without fracturing Milo's skull.

A familiar face opened the door.
"I need...... answers" I said as I tried to breathe and talk but it was all useless. I almost collapsed when Cayden got a hold of me and took me inside his house.


"So the idiot finally told you." He said as he put a glass of water in front of me as I sat on his couch like a scared squirrel.
"What did Troy tell you?" I asked impatiently. I drank all the water in one go and Cayden looked at me like I broke out of an asylum.
"He uh. He said that Marissa told him, that you, uh, that you love me?" He kind of asked me like he himself wanted to confirm this with me. I looked at him in anger.
"Oh my god! I will kill her. This was never the plan." I slapped my hand on my eyes and slumped down almost crying again.

"Hey, calm down Rosalyn. Tell me what happened? Where is Milo?"
"I don't know" and I don't want to know.

Just then Cayden's door bell rang again.
"Please wait. I think it's my sister." He said and got up from his seat and went to open the door. I forgot he has a sister too. She is much older then all of us. She works in some MNC or something.

Cayden went up to open the front door.

I sat there looking at my hands which were blue by now.  My hands again went to my eyes and I covered them as hot tears filled my hands.
"I love you, you, idiot Milo." I snuffed in my hands.
"I love you my Rosy." I jumped up to see Milo standing in front of me looking at me with glossy eyes. He was panting too and I knew he was running too.


Well well well, look what we have here😏
Ao this confusing chapter is just to let out all the frustration Rosy was feeling.

Well it's not all out yet😬

The next chapter might be more emotional, frustrating and I don't even know anymore.

Try to feel Rosalyn's emotions here😌

Do tell me everything you like or dislike about the novel so that I could get better 🙈

Have an amazing day❤️

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