The cutest

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"Happy Birthday." I smiled and looked at Cayden as he came forward and gave me a hug without any hesitation while I, on the other hand, was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

It's not like I don't like him or I have some problems with him. I have never been this close to any guy. Except for Milo just moments ago when his hands were tightly holding onto my waist. Even just thinking about it gives me tingles throughout my entire body. I still don't know what he meant by 'Your lover is here'

I wanted to ask him that but, since then he is just standing at a corner giving me death glares.

What did I do? I think he is planning something.

I have already been humiliated enough for the day. I am actually standing here in the middle of a college's party wearing Cayden's lend on sweats.

I wanna go to some lake and jump in it, butt naked. I am done.

For some reason Cayden is still holding onto me giving me a hug so I awkwardly patted his back in a way to reassurance. I once again glanced at Milo and by this time he was looking at me he would murder me any second. His fists were balled up and his eyes were so piercing that I just wanted to go hide somewhere.

Like in a box or something.

"Thankyou Rosalyn." He slurred letting me know that he is quite drunk and is not able to stand on his own. Soon I realised that he was not actually hugging me, he was just leaning on me for balance. I immediately got a hold of him and made him sit on the nearby couch. Him being too heavy we both plunged on the couch with my hands on his chest. He finally looked at me with full view and his eyes went wide like a kid who saw a Christmas tree or something.

"Hey, Where did you find Milo's clothes?" He asked me, getting excited as he looked at me up and down. Okay questions.

a. Why is he excited about the fact that I am wearing my tormentor's clothes?

b. Why am I wearing my tormentor's clothes? I quickly backed up and stood in front of him with wide eyes. My mouth was probably wide open and I am pretty sure I looked like a guy who was just informed that his wife ran away with his playstation.

"These are Milo's clothes?" I asked, pinching up the fabric from above my chest. Cayden nodded like a seven year old and smiled at me, still excited. "Yup. He left those a week ago when he came to stay the night." Cayden said, looking at me with sparkling eyes. Why is he so happy? Maybe that is the effect of alcohol. Should I have some too? Might get my mind off of Milo.

Cayden was fast asleep by now with his mouth open and his head leaned back on the couch completely. I looked at him and decided it was time for us to leave so I started looking for Avery and get the hell out of here before anything else happened.

But God was surely not on my side today.

As soon as I turned around I came face to face with a pair of sky blue eyes. A tall well built muscular figure and a very intense glare. I gulped as I realised that Milo was standing right in front of me and looking at me like I murdered his chicken.

I took some steps back because of the closeness but soon a hard hand grabbed me by my waist and ended up closer to him than I ever was before.

For the third time in the night and I don't know why this keeps happening?

I was squished to a hard chest as my palms laid flat on Milo's hard shoulders.

"What are you doing Rosy? Cayden's not at all interested in you. When are you gonna get the hint?" Milo whispered in my ear, making my eyes go wide.

"What?" I looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth. "Excuse me?" I said once again replaying the whole sentence in my mind. What is he talking about? I don't care if Cayden is interested in me or not. What the-

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