I almost feel bad for waking him up, but can't find it in me to do so. As if the guard's words cast a sheet of ice over my mind, blocking every thought I should be thinking and every emotion I should be feeling from processing.

"Something's happened," I say hoarsely and only then do I realize just how bad my chest hurts.

He seems to sense the gravity of it from my voice and his arm comes down and he stands, "what?"

I swallow, working up my might, but the words still come shaky. "Jessica is here."

His eyes widen a margin before he rushes to the closet. A moment later, I'm still standing by the doorframe and he comes back out and throws a pile of clothes on my side of the bed. "Get dressed first, nena. Then, we'll figure this out."

My mouth opens and closes a few times as my mind speeds through thoughts faster than I can understand them. Nicolas watches me as he slips onto his clothes, stumbling occasionally. 

"I have to tell Jonathan," is all I manage to say.

Nicolas walks to me, but he's blurry and it takes me a moment to realize I have tears in my eyes. I blink them away, shutting the door to the room and leaning on it. 

"I'll let him know," he offers.

I shake my head.

"Then, are you going to do that half-naked? Get dressed, baby. Come on."

He pulls on my arm and I let him guide me to my clothes. I slip on the hoodie and the sweatpants he grabbed for me, sitting down only to put on the socks before we're walking out the door. We're right outside Jonathan's room when I turn to him.

"I have to do this by myself. Don't ask questions. Please, just...let me."

His eyes fill with worry but he nods, putting on a fake smile that is probably for my sake but I'm too out of it to appreciate it. "Okay. I'll wake up the others. We'll meet you guys downstairs."

I nod and he leaves without another word. I don't waste time entering Jonathan's room and flipping the light on. I've wasted enough time as it is.

He jerks awake, flipping over and pointing a gun at me in a second's span. I jump back, something clicking into place inside me and pulling me out of the haze I was in.

"What the hell?" He sighs, settling the gun down and looking over at the digital watch on his nightstand. "It's three in the morning Tasia."

"Jessica's here," I blurt, then mentally curse myself for lacking composure. Jonathan doesn't notice my internal battle as he jumps to his feet, eyes wide as saucers. 


"They're bringing her inside. I have no idea how. Get dressed and let's find out."

He looks at me like he wants to ask questions, but clamps his mouth shut in the end. He goes to his drawers, pulling on a pair of pants and a shirt before running out the room. 

I follow close behind him, down the stairs and into the living room. The guards still have not made it to the house. They're probably searching her for any devices. I had to hold my tongue from requesting them to skip that step in protocol. Ever since Alina Novak, I've learned my lesson where things like that are involved.

Minutes later, Nicolas comes down, leading the rest of our circle to the living room. When his eyes meet mine, he gives me a gentle nod. My father and mother come down as well, wrapped each in their robes. We've all been awoken by these news. Well, except me. I never got to fall asleep.

When I see Ash, following right behind Mom, I frown. "What are you doing here?"

Dad answers for him, "I had him brought over. In case they try to target anyone close to us. He'll be staying with us until we can be sure we know what we're going up against. Figured you thought about this and just never came around to doing it."

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