Chapter Three

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The class went great, each professor introduced himself, we talked a bit on the Heisenberg's  uncertainty principle and afterwards they just explained the basics to us. Rules, regulations, syllabus content and all. Although the first day was only just about basics, things were only going to get tougher in the future. I need to set a good weekly planner as soon as I get back to the dorms. Soon it was lunch time and I quickly pack my things and head out with Lydia to the pool to see Ethan so we could have lunch together.

We entered the vast poolside and I look around trying to spot Ethan while Lydia kept on whispering in my ear how hot most of the guys are. Honestly, I don't find any of them interesting. Besides, I already have a boyfriend.

I kept on looking for Ethan when my eyes shift to a tall brown haired guy who was already staring at me. Why was he even looking at me? And for how long?

I notice that his brown hair were a bit messed up, but in a nice way and he had beautiful yet intense grey eyes. My eyes travel down his torso to his muscular arms which were practically covered in tattoos.He has a strong bulky built and somehow his harsh and mysterious appearance made me want to know more about him. He does not even look that involved with other team members.

Wait! He is still audaciously looking at me, like he is analyzing me and making his own opinions about me. Why is he doing this? Am I looking funny? I feel my cheeks heat up and quickly look down at my feet. He's definitely not as friendly as I thought.

"Hey Isabelle, I'm here!" I hear Ethan's voice behind me and I turn back and gave him a warm smile.

"Lydia, this is my boyfriend Ethan and Ethan Lydia's in the same class as me. I guess we both are going to spend a lot of time together." 

"Come on guys, lets go to the party!" Lydia squeals

"What party?" I say completely clueless about what she's talking about.

"Every year a big party is thrown to welcome our newcomers to WSU, you girls can go. I'll come once I'm done in here." Ethan tells me and I pout.

" You're not coming with me..."

"Sorry baby, I got to finish my training but I'll come to you once I'm done. Promise." He tries to pacify me.

"Its okay no worries." I assure him before giving him a quick hug and went out with Lydia to that so called Freshers party.

The whole dance floor glowed with lasers beams of several different colors shooting out from the rotating lights in the ceiling. The hall was packed with people dancing and jumping to the DJ's throbbing music. I cleared my throat and looked around, few low lives staring at me, some smirking knowingly. I raised a brow and continue walking through the crowd with Lydia. Since I was also thirsty, I took something to drink in my hand.

"What's wrong with you?"Lydia yelled in my ear, giving me a friendly punch to the arm."Come, dance with me."

I shrugged. Saying that I usually don't attend such parties and that I'm not at all a great dancer seems pretty pathetic.I do dance sometimes but only in my bedroom. Alright, I don't mind admitting that I do not go to these kind of parties despite being a whole grown up young adult but there's no way that I will dance in front of so many people. I feel so embarrassed.

I chugged my soft drink. " Yeah I will come in a while." I replied.

Kate let out a laugh, motioning to the dance floor with another friend of hers whom she just met. He laughed, shook his head and whispered something in her ear which made her giggled. Maybe I should just stop overthinking and enjoy myself for once. Maybe it's time to try explore new things. I'm fed up of people only seeing me as a reserved nerdy student now. Without giving it a second thought, I hurriedly made my way to Lydia and her friend.

"Do you know any line dances?" Lydia yells.


"I'll teach you!" She seems pleasant enough and I'm already on the dance floor now. Is this a good idea? I mean I just wanted to get out of my comfort zone for once and look where that got me, in an overcrowded party getting ready to attempt a line dance. I don't even know what that means. Well, I should just have paid more attention to the girls while they danced if I knew I would be joining them. I try to follow the movements of Lydia, I begin to lift my hand up and kick out one leg , then the other, followed by a swift movement of the hips.

Moments later, the music took over me. The tempo of the song speeds up and I do the same, swaying my hips faster along the deep voice of the male singer until I felt a pair of hands grab me from behind protectively.


A smile appears on my lips as I felt my heart skipped a beat inside my chest for maybe one second. It might have been one full minute, or two but I didn't care. I could feel myself blushing. He pulled me even closer until my back was completely pressed against his hard chest. This causes a shiver to go down my spine and his manly scent drifted to my nose. I don't remember Ethan ever using this perfume, it must be new. But he smelled wonderful.

He kept one hand on my waist as his other one went upwards all the way to my scalp, opening my ponytail, letting my silky soft strands fall behind me. Him holding me and touching me this way felt so good. I have never been touched like this before and I could feel the tension build up inside me. I start to move against him while he gently squeezes my hips. As I felt his hot lips slightly touch the spot just below my ear, I moan slowly, just for him to hear me. I think I might explode just from him torturing me this way.

"Ethan, this feels so good." I tell him and I felt like a smug smile appeared on his lips.

That's it. I couldn't control myself anymore. I wanted more. I wanted him to kiss me slowly while we hold each other, swaying back and forth to the beat of the song. I turn around only to be left in an absolutely horrified expression.

That's not Ethan!!!

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