152 : Look for the White bear

Start from the beginning

Ning Yuzhou did not deliberately remind that although the space is safe, it is not more important than being strong. If you encounter danger, you always want to hide in the space, which is not good for practice. Over time, the Taoist heart will also be shaken.

After Wen Qiao agreed to take the small iron beast to find its mother, she set off immediately.

She put the little iron beast on her shoulder, and the little iron beast hurriedly climbed her shoulder with its claws.

He was squatting on the other side of her shoulder to smell the rabbit, looking from a distance, as if each of her shoulders was decorated with a large fur ball, one is a white fur ball, and the other is a black and white fur ball. It looks very cute.

Ning Yuzhou couldn't help coughing when he saw her new image.

Although the two hairballs are very cute, Ning Yuzhou feels that his Aha is the most cute.

Although Wen Tutu was very upset that the small iron-eating beast occupied Wen Qiao's other shoulder, he thought that if the small iron-eating beast was held by Wen Qiao, it would be even more unhappy and had to acquiesce to it.

After leaving the ground, they returned to the bamboo forest.

Ning Yuzhou placed the isolation and phantom formations around the seam, concealing the seam, lest other cultivators discover that there is something else inside and take away the spiritual vein.

With Wen Qiao's help, Zizhulin had almost recovered, and there was no trace of being crushed by two giant beasts in a fight. The bamboo king of the Qiongyu Purple Spirit Bamboo also grew extremely luxuriantly, but the puddle next to the bamboo king that contained the Qiongyu pulp had dried up.

Wen Qiao now knows that this place is the site of iron-eaters. This jade syrup is also owned by the iron-eaters, and it is the iron eater and the white bear that keep the cubs. When thinking of taking away so many jade-eaters from others, there is something wrong. I'm sorry, I secretly thought that this time I took the small iron beast to find its mother. It was dangerous if it was dangerous, as it was a reward for taking away people's jade jelly.

After leaving the Zizhu Forest, Wen Qiao and the others looked at the surrounding environment and found that the traces left by the two giant beasts when they fought had almost disappeared.

However, it is understandable that the aura on the island mainland is stronger than other places, and the spiritual plants here are also growing very well. Even if they are severely damaged, they will grow again within half a month.

They headed all the way in the direction where the two giant beasts had disappeared.

However, after walking for a while, they found that the traces left by the two giant beasts were covered by the re-growth spiritual plant, which was no longer found.

Wen Qiao let two topaz lead the way.

The topaz first used two tentacles on the paws of the little iron-eater. The little iron-eater had the breath of a white bear, which was convenient for them to remember, and then flew towards the distance.

They fly high and low, obviously not used to flying with wings, but the spirit here is luxuriant, which is not conducive to crawling, so they can only try to fly.

Wen Qiao and their imperial swords followed the two topaz ants, and at the same time, they should pay attention to the surrounding environment to avoid accidentally breaking into the territory of those high-level monsters.

After walking a little further in this way, they met several cultivators.

Ning Yuzhou's eyes dimmed, and he understood that these cultivators should also learn their methods to come to this heavenly island mainland.

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