Klaus waves at us and I can already tell something is going to go wrong.

"What the hell is he doing here?"

"Revenge maybe?"

"Is that all you care about?"

"Shut your ape ass up!"

I can hear Bens' fucking wheeee from a mile away, he is such a weird cute child but also a fucking idiot who obviously wants to die twice.

"It's a setup!"

Bullets went off and Luther actually tried to protect not only Five but me, what a loser. Then everything froze.

"What the actual fuck."

Five and I move around Luther glancing at each other.

"Neat trick, isn't it?"

I turn around to see Kate but Five had called her the Handler. I'm so fucking confused.

"Hello Y zn, Five."

"You two look good all things considered."

"It's good to see you again."


"Feels like we met just yesterday of course you were a little bit older then. Congratulations on the age regression by the way."

Double oh.

"Well, you two flirt I would like to know why Five and I know you by different names."

"You would never work for commission so I got you to do the present, well your present, kills. You were a wonder. Shame about that spell obviously you still have a lot of rage about that."

"Continue talking about his age just stay the fuck away from mine."

"Oooo dogs got a bark. You two realize your efforts are futile. So why don't you tell me what you really want?"

"I want you to put a stop to it."


"You realize what your asking is next to impossible, even for me? What's meant to be is meant to be."

"Weren't Romeo and Juliet meant to be? Look where that got them."

Five points a gun at the handler and my hands set ablaze. I love a good afternoon fight.

"Yeah well how about survival as a raison?"

"They will simply replace her because the bitch is nothing."

"Yn is right. I am but a small cog in a machine. This fantasy you have been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse is just that, a fantasy. I must say though we are all quite impressed with your initiative and Yn your stick to it till it's either dead or correct. really quite something which is why both of you should listen to my offer. New positions back at the commission in management."

"Sorry, what's that now?"

"First you wanna kill us now you wanna give us jobs. Pick a fuckin side."

"You two know it's where you belong.

"Didn't work out too well last time."

"It did for Yn, didn't it? You loved killing."

"No. I liked being able to keep food on the table for Klaus."

"Neither of u will be in corrections I'm talking bout the home office. You would have the best health and pension and no more useless travel. We can reverse the process, I mean you can't be happy like this."

She motions to Fives body and I realize what she means. Five looks at me and I glare at both of them.

"I'm not looking for happiness.

"No but Yn is and she thought she found it in you and you just proved her wrong."

"Shut up."

She caresses Fives cheek and he does nothing, I should have known.

"We can make you yourself again and Yn think of all the amazing training opportunity with your powers."

"I'm not a lab rat."

"I never said you had to train your powers I said to think about it."

"What about Klaus, Vanya, and Diego?"

"You mean the family?"

"Same thing Five."

"What about them?"

"I want them to survive."

"All of them?"

"She makes a good point."

"Yes all of them."

She puts out her hand and Five goes to help the others out of their sticky situation.

"So you and Five..."

"Could say the same to you Kate."

"Oh good lord, no."

"Yn can you get the gun?"

"He just wants you to bend over."

"I know."

I do what Five says and chuck the gun as far as I can which was surprisingly far.

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